
Hi, my Wattpad friends!
          	How are you?
          	Hope life is treating you well. 
          	Quick question.
          	Do you guys want more of "Cold Hands & Warm Heart?"
          	Should I extend the book series to 5 or 6 books?
          	My original plan was to make 4 books.
          	If so, do you have any ideas or suggestions?
          	Fun facts about my OC character, Violet Hobbs from the kingdom of Avalon:
          	1. Violet is an only child and lives with her bisexual aunt, Eleanora. She calls her Aunt Nora for endearment. 
          	2. Her favorite music genre is K-Pop.
          	3. Her bisexuality was discovered when she was in grade 8, where she had a crush on Alison.
          	4. She has a love for poetry and visual arts, especially oil and acrylic painting. 
          	5. Violet is both timid, quiet, and introverted, which makes her character very interesting. 
          	Keep writing!✍️✍️✍️
          	Stay positive!✨️✨️✨️
          	Love, Lynette Miller. ❤️❤️❤️


1, 4, & 5 are my favorites they are relatable to me.


@Lumna10 Thanks, Lumna! Do you like the fun facts about Violet Hobbs, one of my OC characters?


Reading other books provides inspiration.


Hi, my Wattpad friends!
          How are you?
          Hope life is treating you well. 
          Quick question.
          Do you guys want more of "Cold Hands & Warm Heart?"
          Should I extend the book series to 5 or 6 books?
          My original plan was to make 4 books.
          If so, do you have any ideas or suggestions?
          Fun facts about my OC character, Violet Hobbs from the kingdom of Avalon:
          1. Violet is an only child and lives with her bisexual aunt, Eleanora. She calls her Aunt Nora for endearment. 
          2. Her favorite music genre is K-Pop.
          3. Her bisexuality was discovered when she was in grade 8, where she had a crush on Alison.
          4. She has a love for poetry and visual arts, especially oil and acrylic painting. 
          5. Violet is both timid, quiet, and introverted, which makes her character very interesting. 
          Keep writing!✍️✍️✍️
          Stay positive!✨️✨️✨️
          Love, Lynette Miller. ❤️❤️❤️


1, 4, & 5 are my favorites they are relatable to me.


@Lumna10 Thanks, Lumna! Do you like the fun facts about Violet Hobbs, one of my OC characters?


Reading other books provides inspiration.


Hi, my Wattpad friends!
          How are you?
          Hope life is treating you well. 
          Quick update.
          I had a great day at my work-study job!
          Today, we were able to bake cookies, and we learned about the science of baking.
          It was so much fun!
          Also, I met a sweet, lovely 7th grade girl, and she loved drawing, fantasy books, and anime.
          How was your day? Anything interesting happened?
          How's your creative writing projects?
          Keep writing!✍️✍️✍️
          Love, Lynette Miller. ❤️❤️❤️


Hi, my Wattpad friends!❤️
          How are you?
          How's life treating you?
          Quick update.
          I'm in between classes and work-study, so I'm trying to stay busy without getting overwhelmed. 
          Plus, I'm on my menstrual cycle. Ugh!
          Hate periods! :(
          On the bright side, I'm trying to stay positive every day. 
          Oh! Another update.
          I'm currently working on Chapter 15 of my "Cold Hands & Warm Heart" book series.
          It's called "Hanna Meets The Prince of Light.""
          Another exciting announcement!
          I submitted my fantasy book series, "Cold Hands & Warm Heart," on my local community College's literary magazine called "Kings River Review".
          Hopefully, this time, they'll review my story and finally publish it! :))
          But, I have a little bit of doubt.
          Do you think my story will get published?
          Since I got rejected twice last time. :(
          Wish me luck! :)
          Keep writing!✍️✍️✍️
          Love, Lynette Miller. ❤️❤️❤️


@LynetteMiller562  Stay positive Lynette. Wish you luck ❤️


Hi, my Wattpad friends!
          How are you?
          How's life treating you?
          Good news!
          I start a new work-study job, where I'll be working at a library in my regional area! ♡♡♡
          Wish me luck!!
          Also, I start Spring 2025 semester classes this week!
          So, I'm gonna be super busy!
          Are you guys starting the new year at a new school/college?
          With that being said, I'm gonna be unavailable on Wattpad for a little while. 
          But, feel free to DM me on my profile and ask me anything or if you need to vent and open your heart. I'm always here to listen! :))
          Keep writing!✍️✍️✍️
          Love, Lynette Miller. ❤️❤️


Hi, my Wattpad friends!
          How are you?
          Happy New Year!!
          Great news! 
          2025 has arrived! As we approach 2025, big, extraordinary things are happening for not just my YA Fantasy book series, "Cold Hands & A Warm Heart," but also, I'm launching other future projects for my creative writing!
          Also, I'm graduating this May 2025!
          As promised, here are the new 28 chapter titles for "Cold Hands & A Warm Heart: A Tale of Two Sisters." (Book #1)
           Chapter 22: "The Truth Unfolds"
           Chapter 23: "Aliza, Child of Darkness"
           Chapter 24: "Broken Spirits
           Chapter 25: "Bella of The Winter Ball"
           Chapter 26: "Calm Before The Snowstorm"
           Chapter 27: "The Rise of The Phoenix 
           Chapter 28: "Ashes of Sacrifice 
           Epilogue: "True Sisters: Love Conquers All"
          (No Spoilers!!)
          What do you think of the new chapters?
          Are you excited about what's in store for Book #1?
          Positive comments & theories are allowed!
          Hope 2025 will give us new beginnings, new ideas, and new possibilities!
          Keep writing!✍️✍️✍️
          Love, Lynette Miller. ❤️❤️


Hi, my Wattpad friends!
          How are you?
          How's life treating you?
          Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break!
          Quick update about my YA fantasy book series, "Cold Hands & Warm Heart: A Tale of Two Sisters."
          Instead of 23 chapters, I will update 28 chapters for Book #1 since I want to expand the story.
          The 28 chapter titles will be revealed tomorrow morning. 
          Sorry for the inconvenience. 
          Keep writing!✍️✍️✍️
          Love, Lynette Miller.❤️❤️


@ LynetteMiller562  Hey Lynette Happy New Year! ❤️ Hopefully I'll see your chapters soon :) 


Hi my Wattpad friends!
          How are you? How's life treating you?
          Quick update on my fantasy book, "Cold Hands & A Warm Heart: A Tale of Two Sisters!"
          Here are upcoming 10 chapters for Book #1:
          Chapter 14: "Darkness Falls"
          Chapter 15: "Hanna Meets The Prince of Light"
          Chapter 16: "Krauxorth Club Fair"
          Chapter 17: "Fylgia Day at Krauxorth Academy
          Chapter 18: "Patricia's Past"
          Chapter 19: "Fight Fire with Magic
          Chapter 20: "Hidden Scars"
          Chapter 21: "A Young Musician & Broken Dreams"
          Chapter 22: "The Truth Unfolds"
          Chapter 23: "True Sisters"
          Epilouge: "Lucifer's Just Desserts"
          Again, NO SPOILERS!!
          Just bear with me, please! I will make sure this novel will be finished!
          Which story are you looking forward to the most?
          Positive comments & theories are allowed!
          Keep writing!
          Love, Lynette Miller.


@ LynetteMiller562  The epilogue can be placed within any context lol. 


Hi, my Wattpad friends! How are you? Hope life is treating you well!
          As promised, here are some updates for my fantasy book series, "Cold Hands & Warm Heart!"
          (NO Spoilers!!!)
          1. There will be 23 chapters in this first novel.
          2. The Epilouge of Book #1 will be the final chapter!
          3. There's going to be 3 future projects for the CH & WH book series!
          4. There's going to be inspired Norse mythology for this 1st book and 3 other books.
          5. New characters will be coming soon!
          6. Plot twist are coming up!
          7. LGBTQ+ representation will be explored, especially the characters!
          8. Themes including courage, kindness and forgiveness will be explored in the 1st book!
          9. I'm also going to be featuring a soundtrack in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th book!
          10. The 4th book will be the final part of the book series!
          11. There's going to be lots of lore and world building in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th book!
          12. My OC characters, Alison and Violet will have their own story romance arc VERY SOON!!
          13. The 2nd book will have 20 chapter stories!
          14. The 3rd book will have 24 episodic stories!
          15. There's going to be a new villain in the 4th book!
          16. The 4th book will have 32 chapter stories!
          17. If the 4th book will go successfully, I might make a spin-off series on one of the characters!
          18. Hanna Maeland, the main protagonist, will go through a mental breakdown in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th book very soon!
          19. Hanna will have a character growth and story arc in the 4th book!
          20. Each character will have their own character growth and story arc!
          Hope you guys are excited for this epic fantasy book series as much as I am excited to write it! :))
          Keep writing!
          Love, Lynette Miller.


@FlamingoCrown7  Thanks Opal! I have so much ideas for this future YA fantasy book series!


@ LynetteMiller562  I have to congrulate you on bold moves like having protagonists go through mental breakdowns, and I love how you're open to LGBTQ. My friend is a Christian and homophobe, it's so frustrating! 