~I solemnly swear than I am up to no good~

My Hogwarts house is Slytherin, but don't hate me because of my house, I am nice. I am the daughter of Zeus, I am a shadow hunter, I am a blue fledgling blessed by the goddess Nyx and can control, air, earth, water, and spirit. I belong in dauntless.

Night Owl
Band geek [percussion for life(bari sax in jazz)]
Baseball and softball player

I only speak English.

I had two books but I took them down I thought the plot was horrible but some like it, sorry.

I love, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hunger Games, Star Trek, Star Wars, House of Night, Divergent, The Maze Runner, Percy Jackson. (Series)
My favorite book and movie is The Giver.

Hogwarts is my home (Slytherin)
Camp half blood is my summer camp
I am Divergent, are u?
The Glade is my winter vacation.
Every year my time among the stars seems too short.
Unfortunately I am a "creature of the the night".
The Giver gave The Receiver a way out

I am a Christian and proud to say (write) it.

My zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
My b-day is in December.
I am nice and sometimes friendly.

The girl you just called a mudblood spends hours learning spells hoping that you'll like her. That boy you kicked just stupified his parent that used the cruciatise curse on him regularly. That girl you just pushed tried to use the Avada Kedvara curse on herself. That boy you made fun of for crying just lost his parents because of a death eater.

Put this on your page if you are against bullying.

~Mischief Managed~

I love to write but I don't anymore unless I am in the mood to.
  • Slytherin common room contemplating life a.k.a. existentialism
  • JoinedJune 11, 2018

Story by Lynn
Poems or Quotes by Lynn_121205
Poems or Quotes
Poems I like or relate too. Most likely will be sad or depressing. I don't own them unless its stated that th...