
To all my followers, 
          	This account is no longer in use, why? 
          	Reason 1, I know(knew) that I will be losing this account soon, please, do not ask why. It's nothing bad, just don't want to share. I feel that's it personal. 
          	Reason 2, I feel like this account is, kind of dead, and it's not really going anywhere. I figure a fresh start is(was) needed. 
          	I still go by the same name, and the profile picture is the same, and I did follow everyone with the new account. Yes, "War Of Ages" is publish on the new account, but I will take it slower, to make sure the book is a great read, meaning, no rushed chapters. I also, do plan on having a publishing schedule, that way there is no "out of the blue" Updates. 
          	Thank you all for reading, and following me, 
          	Lynette Waterson! 


To all my followers, 
          This account is no longer in use, why? 
          Reason 1, I know(knew) that I will be losing this account soon, please, do not ask why. It's nothing bad, just don't want to share. I feel that's it personal. 
          Reason 2, I feel like this account is, kind of dead, and it's not really going anywhere. I figure a fresh start is(was) needed. 
          I still go by the same name, and the profile picture is the same, and I did follow everyone with the new account. Yes, "War Of Ages" is publish on the new account, but I will take it slower, to make sure the book is a great read, meaning, no rushed chapters. I also, do plan on having a publishing schedule, that way there is no "out of the blue" Updates. 
          Thank you all for reading, and following me, 
          Lynette Waterson! 


Hello everyone, 
          Sorry for another message today, but I just wanted to let you guys and girls, know that the edit version of chapter one is now available to read. 
          Please, give this story a read, tell me what you think needs to be removed or added in the comments section, or ilif you don't want people to see you comment, please don't be afraid to private message me on the Wattpad app. 
          - Thank you, to whom is reading this. 


Hello everyone, 
          I am so glad to be back. I know that I haven't been on for a while, but I just didn't feel like I was Improving, and I got really discouraged that my books weren't being read, but now I know that I have to keep working. I just want to let you know that my book "War of Ages" is still up and I will continue to work on this book until it is finished. I am currently on chapter five. I am editing all current chapters. So, I hope this book will be one of my best! 
          Please, if you have not done so, give the book a read. Yes, you will find mistakes. I'm not going to hide that, and yes, the book is under edition, as I said before. But, trust me, it's not 'a waste of time'. Agian, please give the book a try. 
          —Thank you, to whom is reading this. 


Hey guys,  I know it's late,  but chapter 3 of "War of Ages" is posted. Yay! This is a new record for me.... I have a hard time  keeping up with chapters, but,  for what I usually do,  I think I have done pretty well. Also,  I am so sorry I didn't stick with the two week publishing,  school stuff,  and other things happen... I also have a BIG test on Wednesday and...... I just want to scream!  Stress is really getting to me right now.... Any way,  please enjoy the new chapter. Have a nice read! 
          P. S.  Sorry for rambling on,  I just needed to get that of my chest.... 


I'm going to try to make a schedule on when I post chapters,  but I'm not sure how it's going to work,  because I have a problem of reading the books then writing my own....  "I CAN'T HELP IT THERE SO GOOD! " I get into them and I just can't stop reading.... does that sound weird?  Anyway I think what I'm going to do is post a chapter every two weeks.  I normally have a hard time sticking with a schedule,  but I'm really going to try and if I fail to follow the schedule you guys have all right to yell at me... I mean, not literally,  but you guys know what I mean just shoot me a comment and be like "Yo,  your falling of you schedule,  get to it,  chop chop! "  lol.  Sorry this is long.. 


Hey guys, I posted a new chapter for "War of Ages". I know I haven't been on for a long time, but I just lost the writing spirit, but now, I am planning to write more. I even have a new story in the working, which I am hoping it will have a lot of potential. Please, I know I post things random, just bare with me. I hope on trying to make a schedule for posting chapters, whither its for "War of Ages" or the newer book(which is under editing right now). Hope everyone has a good day!