
Hey guys! So I know I haven't really been doing much on here other than putting random updates in my Poems and Short Stories. But I'm gonna try and change that. I'm actually starting to work on my Katekyo Hitman Reborn fanfic now, so check that out when you get the chance after I update it. Thanks for stickin' with me for this long! Again sorry for the wait. Arigato ne~ Ja.


Hey guys! So I know I haven't really been doing much on here other than putting random updates in my Poems and Short Stories. But I'm gonna try and change that. I'm actually starting to work on my Katekyo Hitman Reborn fanfic now, so check that out when you get the chance after I update it. Thanks for stickin' with me for this long! Again sorry for the wait. Arigato ne~ Ja.


heroes.....if you think find the truth
          that the people you're talking about ....are the only good left in this world
          so...yes..they are the heroes.and they don't need any thing else except those kind hearts they have.


Ok,i wanna ask,if i was right to say what i said,
           so there's this guy who wants to make a difference in the world, and change the way people act and fight gangsters and thugs and all that and he said he can't because there are no such things as superheros, and he said that everyone says that.
          and thus my reply:
          do you really believe them? cause you shouldn't. don't you think the smallest people are someone's superhero, a firefighter, a few good police officers, a child helping his or her little sister or brother from bullies or with their school work that they need help on, what about mothers that give life to children that grow up to become good people even though it is rare for an absolutely good person to be here, but what about those single fathers that aren't good with raising a little girl on his own but he does it to the best of his ability and even though he has work he goes to every open house every event she has at school just to see her happy smiling face, don't you think those are superheros? cause they are, they are the smallest of the smallest on the food chain here in this world, but those people make this world go round, they make the good people grow up to be good people, they are superheros...maybe not to you....but to me, those people tht dont get seen everyday, tht dont have the best smiles, tht dont have the best hair styles, tht dont always look like a model or super star,those...are superheros


"Valentines day is coming up, post this and see what your followers PM you: ✖ Blue: I want a second chance ✖ Red: You're cute ✖ Green: I want a kiss ✖Purple: Better friendship ✖ Pink: Let's cuddle ✖ Orange: I owe you an apology ✖ Black: I want a hug ✖ Brown: I really like you ✖ Grey: I'm crushing on you ✖ Rainbow: Will you be my valentine? ✖✖ (PS: PM me please.) PM= Private Message"