
Yall the embarrasment is real. This isnt callin anyone out or anything like that. But I had posted that draft a couple weeks ago and it got like 7 reads, but i had asked that people comment if they wanted the rest of it wrote out, but i didnt get not one comment or vote. *buries face in pillow* 
          	I thought it was pretty good, but then again, its based off my own life, so how good could it be (except i never got the boy)
          	Im lauging at myself right now. like i just give up. 
          	Again, this was in no way meant to dis those that did comment, this is just a way for me to laugh at myself. 


@Lyra-LeStrange Woah. I didn't even realize. Man, that's incredible. You know, writing from experience and making it sound so intriguing. Never would have thought. I literally gasped when I read that part. I'm an aspiring 18 year old aspiring author myself and I can totally relate.  I hope you come back here again and decide to upload some more content because one thing's for sure: you've got my vote and my read. Oh and sorry about the guy. With an interesting worldview like yours I'm sure you'll find someone else for sure. And hey, if sometime in the future it just so happens to be that I become brave and confident enough to do what you've done I'll be sure to recommend your story to a possible following.
          	  Sorry if that sounded condescending 
          	  Stay cool



Yall the embarrasment is real. This isnt callin anyone out or anything like that. But I had posted that draft a couple weeks ago and it got like 7 reads, but i had asked that people comment if they wanted the rest of it wrote out, but i didnt get not one comment or vote. *buries face in pillow* 
          I thought it was pretty good, but then again, its based off my own life, so how good could it be (except i never got the boy)
          Im lauging at myself right now. like i just give up. 
          Again, this was in no way meant to dis those that did comment, this is just a way for me to laugh at myself. 


@Lyra-LeStrange Woah. I didn't even realize. Man, that's incredible. You know, writing from experience and making it sound so intriguing. Never would have thought. I literally gasped when I read that part. I'm an aspiring 18 year old aspiring author myself and I can totally relate.  I hope you come back here again and decide to upload some more content because one thing's for sure: you've got my vote and my read. Oh and sorry about the guy. With an interesting worldview like yours I'm sure you'll find someone else for sure. And hey, if sometime in the future it just so happens to be that I become brave and confident enough to do what you've done I'll be sure to recommend your story to a possible following.
            Sorry if that sounded condescending 
            Stay cool


Hey yall, it's been a while. How's everyone's school going? Most high schools and colleges should be started by now, right? Mine is. And lemme tell you. It's kicking my ass. I wanted to write a new book, but I finished a chapter and literally just got block so bad it hurt. If yall have any plot templates you wanna share, please do. I need something to organize all my thoughts. Or if anyone wants to help coauthor, that would be cool too. 


@jaxon_the_wolf yeah, we gat out almost a month earlier


@jaxon_the_wolf oh wow, when does your school end?


So I was reading a Snamione story, no don't judge me, but this could really go to any Hermione fic that happens to include death eaters. 
          I want, no I need, a badass Hermione scene. Where she walks in and all eyes are on her. She  is sat between Snape and Lucius, or some other death eater. And he is eyeing her hungrily, lustfily. He reaches over to brush a hair out of her face but before he can she grabs his wrist in her white sleeve covered hand ( I'm picturing one of those white floor length dresses that have a tight corset type bodice that enhances her curves, but flows out neatly a the hips, and that has the lacy sleeves that extend to loop over the middle finger, a triangle coming down over the backside of the hand), her delicate fingers can barely wrap around his hand, but that doesn't stop her ( she either is a magical creature that had super strength, or wordlessly and wandlessly casts a charm to give her super strength). And as she starts to speak all eyes are on her. 
          Her eyes flash, disturbingly dark for a member of the "light side". Her voice low, but everyone can head her, "Touch me Lucius, and you will lose your hand," she starts to squeeze his hand, and a slight cracking sound can be heard coming from his wrist as she looks him up and down, "and any other body part that comes near me." 
          The room is silent as she gives his wrist one last squeeze, crushing the bone, and sets it down harshly onto the table between their dinnerware. 
          She turns back to the death eater across from her that she was having a conversation with "I'm sorry Mrs. LeStrange, what were you saying" 
          With that the room goes back to normal. The seat next to her quickly emptied as Lucius excuses himself to go take care of his hand.
          Sorry not sorry


this message may be offensive
So, I'm just sitting here watching some werewolf movie, and one of the characters says something like "get away from her" and my mind goes to "get the hell of my property before I blast you so full of rock salt you crap margaritas" 
          And now I want a werewolf book scene where they are in the middle of the final action scene with the rouge pack and the alpha of the rouges has the love interest by the throat and our alpha says 
          "You get the hell away from her/him before I blast you so full of silver you crap jewelry" 
          And then I want the love interest to do some awesome ass flip or something and claw out the enemy's throat with a badass line spat at their alpha,"what? You didn't think I'd wait on you to save me"
          Then, while the rouges are still shell-shocked that this tiny ass think just killed their leader, the alpha and the love interest go full on beast mode, (get it?) and completely tear the rouges to shreds.
          While they despose of the rouges they are having a conversation that goes like "you couldn't just let me save you could you?"
          "Where's the fun in that, [insert cute but very teasing nickname] besides [insert smirk] you know you loved it"
          "While it's true I'll never not love to watch you kick ass, I wish you'd just let me save you one time" 
          "In your dreams wolfy [or other nickname]"
          I'm sorry I got carried away 


@Lolllllll0 so would I! Like damn come on writers, give us something 


@Lyra-LeStrange honestly I would watch a movie based off this whole premise


Hey guys, please take a minute to read this short post on what's happening around the world. I know theres not much any of us can do to help, but we can at least try to spread the word. 


@Lyra-LeStrange thank you so much for spreading awareness about these things


Hey lovely human, accept my cuddles! ❤️
          Post this on everyone you care about's wall, because everyone deserves love.
          It doesn't matter how many you get back because all you need to know is, I love you and support you, no matter what <3 (unless you pull a Jeffery Dahmer-)
          I love you ❤️


I think I'm goin to start writing a book, it is not goin to be a romance, its gonna be bout a girl who had a hard past and had to get tough to survive it, and now she has a new life. But she has no way to make a living, so she fights, this is gonna be her story. And she might have a love interest, haven't decided yet, but if she does, that will most definitely not be the focus of the story. This story is to inspire people, show them that will and determination can overcome anything. 


I have seen people posting on my twins page, promoting their stories. I would like to politely ask you to refrain from promoting your stories on my page, if I like a story very much, I will promote it myself. If you want me to read your story, PM me, I do not mind at all, I would he happy to read them, I love books, I spend all of my free time reading. I just would like my page to not become a book promoting site, or something like that. If this inconveniences you, you can let me know directly. Please do not cause unnecessary problems, I will try to understand how it inconsistencies you, if i find your reason valid, i will remove this post.