
Ok guys, I have REALLY GOOD NEWS
          	I finished 3 chapters in the last week (each over 12k words) and I’ll be posting them all over the next couple of weeks!!!
          	I’m actually so happy with how they’ve turned out and I’ll continue to write the last 2 parts tomorrow and at the weekend on my days off :3
          	I hope you guys look forward to the post tomorrow, and I’ll see you then with the newest chapter :D


Ok guys, I have REALLY GOOD NEWS
          I finished 3 chapters in the last week (each over 12k words) and I’ll be posting them all over the next couple of weeks!!!
          I’m actually so happy with how they’ve turned out and I’ll continue to write the last 2 parts tomorrow and at the weekend on my days off :3
          I hope you guys look forward to the post tomorrow, and I’ll see you then with the newest chapter :D


Hey guys,
          I know it’s been a really long time since I last updated book 2 but I’m working really hard on a new chapter. I’m also on placement at the moment but any time I get off is being dedicated to the book and uni work, so rest assured, there will be an update soon
          I hope you guys’re all having a good week and I’ll hopefully be back with the next chapter soon (it’s a long one, so hopefully you enjoy it when it does come out ;))
          In the meantime, if you want to stay up to date with me, feel free to follow my instagram @lyra_lonewolf, or my fanaccount @aryiaswolfy (where I post daily Aryia content) and go reread some of my other stuff and I’ll be back on a Wednesday coming soon with the next chapter of Book 2
          Lyra ❤️


Hey guys
          As you know, it’s Wednesday but I unfortunately don’t have a new chapter to put out :(
          I was going to write at the weekend but I’ve been stressed about my uni assignments which I’ve been working on all week and I’m not gonna have time to write until Saturday but I promise I’ll start writing it once I finish recording for my presentation on Friday 
          The next chapter has been kinda hard to write but I passed my friend a few ideas and she liked the sound of them so I hope you guys do too :3
          In the meantime, please feel free to read my other books while you wait for the update on Rhymes and Rhythms 2 
          I hope you all have a great week and look forward to the new update next Wednesday,
          Lyra ❤️


Hey everyone!
          Update for book 2 this week is… that I’m unfortunately not gonna be updating the book. I just have a lot going on atm with uni and I need to finish a bunch of stuff including 800 words on my essay and a powerpoint for the 10th of February. I know it’s almost a month away but I really want to get my uni work done (specifically the PowerPoint) before I start doing a mass upload ^^”
          Obviously since my submission dates are next month, I’ll still be writing but updates may be a bit slower over the next couple of weeks because of uni. I’m gonna try and get my presentation finished, narrated and submitted properly over the next 2 weeks so hopefully I’ll have a chapter out before then since I’ll be working on the next part along with my workload :3
          My next placement is also coming up, but since I’ve got 2 weeks off with training before it starts, I’ll hopefully get a lot of writing done before it starts properly for 7.5 weeks and I can get the book finished before it finishes.
          So yeah, that’s where I stand with writing atm
          I’m sorry if I’m letting anyone down with updates lately but I AM nearly done with book 2 and I can hopefully finish it soon for those of you who excited to see what happens next
          I hope this update provides you all with some clarity regarding updates and I hope you all have an amazing week
          See you all next Wednesday with (hopefully) a new chapter
          Lyra ❤️


Hey guys, update regarding next chapter
          I just got home from vacation and I feel really sick, so I’ve decided to postpone the chapter until next week once I get used to my uni schedule. I’ll likely be posting it next Friday instead of next Wednesday (since I have the day off) but I’ll try and write some other parts by then as well.
          I didn’t get any writing done on the plane since I was so tired and I’m really sorry about that, but I’ll keep you all updated if I decide to change the update schedule again
          Really sorry about this since I know a lot of you were looking forward to reading the end of book 2 before New Year’s, but I’ll try and have it finished before the end of the month 
          Hope you’re all well and I’ll see you all soon


Hey guys
          Happy New Years! 
          Lil update: I may or may not be updating book 2 tomorrow (depends on how much I can write in the next 17 or so hours - some of which I’ll be sleeping for since it’s 1am as I’m posting this lolol ). If I don’t have a chapter out tomorrow, I’ll be uploading on Friday (since I fly home on Thursday), but I will be writing on the flight again since it really helped last time, so yee :3
          In other news, I know I forgot to update the character book on Sunday (even tho I kept thinking about it) so I’ve added both new parts now. But yeah, I almost have the next chapter finished, I just have to finish the scene I’m on and make sure it’s all in the correct order since I wrote it lowkey kinda weird lol 
          Other than that, I hope you all have an amazing and happy 2025 ! Hopefully I can finish book 2 by the end of January at the very latest and get to start on book 3 for you guys (while I also write my dreaded thesis lolol)
          Hope you guys have an amazing day and I’ll be back soon with a new update :3
          Lyra ❤️


Hey guys, update for this week
          As some of you may be aware, I have 8 chapters left of Rhymes and Rhythms book 2. But for this week I'm going to be posting on Friday since I've only written half of this week's part ^^"
          I HAVE written most of the next few chapters though so I might start posting daily after this next part's out (or post twice on Friday since the part I need to add to the chapter after the one I was gonna post tomorrow is super short)
          However, if I DO manage to write the next part up beforehand, I will be posting another update
          Sorry for the way I've messed the uploads in the last couple of weeks but hopefully I DO finish Rhymes and Rhythms 2 by the end of the year since I have a lot going on with uni as soon as I get back and I wanna start writing Rhymes and Rhythms 3 soon too
          I hpoe you all have an amazing day and I'll update again soon if I change my schedule again ^^" :3
          Love and Happy Christmas Eve


Hey guys, quick update for this week’s chapter
          I’m gonna be postponing posting until Friday because I’m going on vacation and I have to get a lot ready for it (packing, travel money, etc)
          I WILL be writing the next chapters on my flight over and will hopefully be able to start posting 2 or 3 times a week next week or maybe every day for a week depending on how much I write up
          Sorry for the delay but the next few chapters are pretty cute and long so that’s why updates are coming in a little slower as well
          I hope you look forward to Friday’s posting though and I’ll see you all then :)
          Lyra ❤️


Hi guys :3
          Quick lil update, I passed both my assignments for uni AND my driving theory test today so along with the chapter I'm posting tomorrow, we're doing pretty good for this week :3
          And yes, I WILL have a chapter out tomorrow. I finished writing it last night and I'm pretty proud of it since I was trying to put a lot in there to make up for not posting last Wedesday and I'll also be writing on the plane when I go on my Christmas vacation and posting while I'm there too so you guys'll still have some updates when I'm abroad :3
          I also have a few other parts written up (at least 50-75%) so hopefully I'll also be able to post multiple times a week and then every day for a week soon enough. I'm away from December 19th to January 2nd so I should have the book finished as scheduled by New Year and all proof-read and updated between the 1st or 3rd of January before I get to work on my favorite part of the Rhymes and Rhythms trilogy: Book 3 - Cadencing Rhymes and Harmonic Rhytms (title finalized and meaningful;) )
          Thank you all for sticking with me while I write, I hope you look forward to the last 10 chapters of the book and tomorrow's update
          Lyra ❤


Hey guys, happy Wednesday
          As I said last week, I’m not able to update for a couple of reasons:
          1) I was preparing for uni assessments last week and wanted to pass with a good grade so didn’t write enough for a chapter
          2) I’ve been needing a little break to myself after all the hecticness of studying and wanted to take a small break from writing
          I have around half of next week’s chapter written up but it’s not ready to post since I have to finish the last half and Idk when I’ll be writing it (but it’ll probably be at the weekend)
          I’m going to Spain again this year and wanted to take this week and next week to myself but I’ll be writing more parts to book 2 next Tuesday and when I’m on the plane/vacation so that I have something to post for Rhymes and Rhythms 2 and so that the book is finished by the end of the year. I’m aware that I have 10 chapters left to go but I think I can make the posting schedule work as I only have 8 or 9 parts left to complete and I plan on posting every day (or every other day) when I’m abroad so I hope that you look forward to the end of the book and the start of book 3 (which is my fave in the series and I’ve only written like 2 parts to it )
          These next few weeks are gonna be really wild but I hope you all look forward to them :3
          And I know I forgot to post the databook page on Sunday (I was out at the cinema with my family) so I’ll post 2 parts of that tonight and another part next Sunday to make up for the lack of posts 
          Again, I hope you all look forward to the next chapter and that you all have an amazing week (I am cuz Aryia liked my story message on IG earlier so I’m really happy) and I’ll see you all next Wednesday with the new part to Rhymes and Rhythms 2 :3
          Lyra ❤️