
So for context to this question, I used to do 1500 word chapter with the exception of putting two chapters together for the new version of the Miko fanfic to make them long so do ya’ll want 1500 chapters on the old Miko fanfic to get faster updates and once 2 chapters get posted on the old one I will put the edited version of said chapters on the new fanfic just so ya’ll get faster updates? 


So for context to this question, I used to do 1500 word chapter with the exception of putting two chapters together for the new version of the Miko fanfic to make them long so do ya’ll want 1500 chapters on the old Miko fanfic to get faster updates and once 2 chapters get posted on the old one I will put the edited version of said chapters on the new fanfic just so ya’ll get faster updates? 


5 More chapters to edit of Miko than chapter 6 {pt 2} needs to be finished written & edited in full than I can get started on a new story {but Miko will still be written the new one is just a fun OC {but slightly dark} story since it's been a hot like 2 years since the last}
          I'm fixing to return to editing after posting this just thought ya'll would like an update since I've been mostly silent on this


So with my internet still out I went ahead and started the next chapter of the original Miko story on my note app on my computer and half way through writing I realized I can’t upload it after I finish bc it’s on my notes app on my computer that can’t connect to wifi…. Welp anyways on a unrelated note anyone want a post-apocalyptic Bayverse fanfic that takes place after the third movie that would basically rewrite the 4th and 5th movie or would anyone like a bayverse fanfic that starts right before the third movie, features what death happens in the third movie than goes into the post-apocalyptic AU mentioned above? Seriously pickup be I want to do both or one or the other 


I was going to edit what chapters was left of the first Miko book but the snow storm from the beginning of the week promptly told me ‘no’ as it knocked out my wifi {well the box says it’s on but nothing taking said wifi will connect to it} hopefully it will be back on some time next week but since there’s another snow storm heading here by Sunday I have low expectations for it coming back on anyways and I will probably have to call the wifi provider about it…. Adulting…. Yay…. {not }


I’ve had to unpublish some stories due to constant ‘I’m confused about this or that’ comments when what ever someone is confused about is usually explained later on in the story or litteraly the previous chapter/paragraph and when I try to explain what’s going on suddenly I’m the bad guy bc apparently I’m ‘rude’ when I’m litteraly stating the obvious of what just happened or telling you to reread the previous paragraph or chapter. Older stories means lots more errors as they are earlier in my fanfic writing past time then more current stories so yes I get the errors, grammar is gonna suck worse then it does now, etc. but no one apparently looks at a profile any more to see more current stories to compare writing or even a publishing date for that matter before even commenting that one thing that’s more then likely going to be explained sooner or later in the stories  {especially mine since I KNOW my writing can be all over the place occasionally but it either gets fixed later on or it’s for the plot} . It’s frustrating as a writer constantly having to repeat my self over and over again. Just think about when things are published, last updated, if they’re even still writing to begin with before commenting these types of things.
          {yes I’m awear the ‘you don’t have be so rude about it’s comments are going to flood now but I’m frustrated and don’t know how else to express that at this point with out coming off as ‘rude’} 


*Tells my self I’m going to finish editing the last update chapter for ‘Miko’ this weekend*
          The universe: you get sick from Primus only knows what for two weeks, than You’re guinea pig is going to get sick, you’re going to take them to the vet in hopes it’s a cold but then get slammed in the face by the forge of souls prime bc you find out it’s cancer so you’re forced to put the poor fur baby down, then you’re oldest dog gets an infection of the liver and has to go on antibiotics. 
          Hope ya’ll month has gone better then mine 
          Next chapters for Miko are hopefully going to be up soon. 


I planned on having the first 5 rewritten chapters of Miko’s story up by now but my computer apparently decided to have a day in it and decided not to work properly so it delayed the story in positive news the chapters should be up by Sunday at the latest I have 1 and 1/2 chapters left to edit. Soooo happy reading ya’ll! 
          {side note there won’t be a fanfic cover yet bc I’m procrastinating on what todo for it but adventially there will be one}


Rewrite of Miko's stories AND a new Miko/oc related story that may or may not have related plot lines that were originally scrapped and or are similar to the original Miko stories {though I will try to keep them separate stories}? The rewrite is for sure but the other main question of it is do ya'll want gradual quicker update on the rewrite or wait awhile and I'll post up to 5 chapter's at once?


The next chapter of Miko’s broken heart is half way done and should hopefully be out sometime this week. I’ll admit it’s been difficult typing due the Arthritis causing issues with my hands which is why there hasn’t been a chapter or more sooner. It’s hard to type when you’re fingers start to feel like their on fire after a just a few minutes of typing either on my phone or actual computer keyboard. Earliest chapter to come would be sometime Wednesday because I will be sitting in a car for 3 hours and sitting in a hospitals room for tests so I’ll have some time then, latest being Saturday night. Anyways sorry for the big delay and thank you so much to those who’ve lasted this long with the story, happy reading y’all! 


Happy 2023 y’all! So I’m not dead but as of since November I have felt like I’ve been hit by Omega-supreme and have been diagnosed with the Arthritis that comes with having psoriasis sadly along with trying to figure out why my white blood cell count is so high { still actually I think I’ve mentioned this before but it’s still an on going battle} but anyways enough with my issues on to what everybody probably cares more about: So I have an idea for 2 different stories but in the process of coming up with both I realized one is pretty much the prequel of the other the prequel taking place on pre-war Cybertron with lesser known or somewhat known and beloved characters mixed with 2 Oc’s it’s gonna be rated T most likely with a few rated M { nothing lemon-y more like gore and implications that will have TW placed before hand}. The second one will be taking place on earth this one I was trying to decide if it was going to take place in the Earthspark series but I wasn’t quit sure when or if I create my own second half of S1 since the other half { as of now} hasn’t been announced and or I don’t when it will come out and I really don’t want to butcher the three newest characters when I’ve only seen them in one solid episode and it wasn’t even enough to get a feel for a personality or really who they are in general so the second one is probably going to take place in Bayverse  or Prime depending on which someone yells at me to do after reading this far or if I decide to do one or the other my self. Anyways hope y’all enjoyed a mini update I am slowly dieing inside but still alive. 
          Happy reading y’all!