
i wish Zane and Eyeless were still here… I wish it was 2023… i wish Eyeless didn’t leave back in August… I wish dms were still a thing and i was still talking to Zane


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I don't understand why we make such a big deal out of the new year. Like... Yay it's a new year. .... Now what? Cuz you can't exactly just go fuck it we ball anymore. The year just started. Its supposed to be a fresh start so don't bring up the past. And don't get me started on new year resolutions. Those are one of the dumbest things we has a society enforce on a holiday. Cool if you like new year resolutions but for me they're just so stupid bro. 


            I cant jelp much but what weve decided to do this year is sit outside and watch the new year turn over together, no loud party or stayingside with a countdown


@M-Mon-o   Of course. And it's okay if you aren't


            Thanks mama :)
            Maybe eventually ill be okay enough to return the favor 