Hey guys, im sorey ive been off so long. I had to take a mental break and had a lot going on but I am back. I msised yall so much please message oe reply to this so I can see who stayed !


@M00N-BABY_ it's okay we're still here<3


<<I'm sending this to random people u might not know me I might not know u but we live under the same sky >>
          A small letter for u
          I hope u are good and having a happy fun life having a good day /night. Keep making memories live the moment to it's best it's all u get once u know. This life is so small for being worried and stuff. That smile makes u more beautiful not only pretty. U have many filters just show urslwf the way u want cause it's all u and for u. Someone loves u so much but ipu live urself the most.
          If u are having a bad day remember times goes by. Nothing is forever. The moon will shine again once the cloud is gone. U will shine bright.   No matter how big or small the worry is just give it time everything will be okay. U and we all r strong we never give up so don't. Just stick there and dope u get it. U will be proud of urself one day.
          I am sending hope to u even if it's a good day or bad. U will be good in the end. 
          Have my love 


I've been getting messages and im addressing this rn. I've had a lot of health issues recently and im trying to get them undee control im sorry im not on her 24/7, i also have school to do and activities to do with school. If i dont ever respond immediately im most likely at school. Im sorry, if cant handle it then please either don't message me or be understanding of it and wait on me, im really sorry and hope yall arent too mad.