A random review I found for the new TMNT movie on someone's twitter:
Seth Rogen sucks. He ruins everything he touches and should think before he leaps. the key word being THINK before you leap into a project that heavily mimics nickelodeon's classics in a cobbled up mess labeled TNMT.
It was horrible aside from the soundtrack and some artistic elements which were troublesome in their own right.
It is great for younger audiences that I can agree, but for older fans and younger fans who are big on lore from the original series it is a HARD tank, and the use of tik tok slang just appeals to the audience of kids who follow their parents political views without really thinking about if it's wrong or not. It appeals to the wrong corner of the younger demographic they are trying to reach and using April as not only a black character, which is the equivalent of white washing Cyborg and turning Velma black (makes no sense other than to appear more "woke"), the fact that you actively tie in a horrible skit about her character puking live on camera is just cruel to the already butchered incarnation you've made of the beloved character.
It was not worth it to make other than to appeal to the younger kids demographic as a cash grab movie with tie in cash grab toys advertised far differently than the actual movie. It was a failed production that should've been reworked from the ground up before being handed over to someone like Seth Rogen. Lose the lesser known and just odd placed pop culture references, polish the animation so it retains the style without looking like you ripped from Laika, and for the love of god movie industries and people who work in them, stop black washing characters to seem more woke or just cause as an artistic choice, it's disrespectful to their previous more successful incarnations and its just insulting. Sure it worked for the Little Mermaid with Halle Bailey, but not April O'Neil, not TMNT, and not for this movie.