
Okay, so, unfortunately, Wattpad will be shutting down their personal messaging system. As you all know, that is how I do my roleplays. Anyone who is currently participating in a roleplay with me, feel free to add me on discord! That will be the easiest way to contact me.
          	For those who don’t have it, my discord username is: lizzy_liza09


Okay, so, unfortunately, Wattpad will be shutting down their personal messaging system. As you all know, that is how I do my roleplays. Anyone who is currently participating in a roleplay with me, feel free to add me on discord! That will be the easiest way to contact me.
          For those who don’t have it, my discord username is: lizzy_liza09


Hey guys! So, I’ve been thinking for a while, and I am opening up my roleplay stuff again! (I literally don’t know how to word this but what I’m trying to say is that I want to meet more people and roleplay and make up silly stories) If you are interested, please feel free to DM me!


@M3m0ryDI5c0rd btw I wanted to let you know that you are so talented! I absolutely love your books!


@M3m0ryDI5c0rd  Oh, okay! I’ll send a request in! 


@Flutter_Shyyy I have a new discord account! The user is lzyliza09


Another book review! Yay! This one I am very happy with and I LOVED the book!
          So I found it on TikTok; it’s called If He Had Been With Me. I won’t go too far into detail as to not spoil but it’s a lovely twist on childhood lovers. With some angst ofc and VERY LIGHT smut. It was a very satisfying read and I highly recommend it! Definitely a tear jerker and, personally, made me a little mad at times.
          But it definitely focuses on how children, as teenagers, go through stages in life. Love, happiness, joy, responsibilities, relationships, drinking, lust. I love how the author interpreted all of this into one story about two silly kids.
          Anyways, book review of the month! 
          If He Had Been With Me — 10/10 Will most definitely read again :]


Late post (as usual) but updates are being pushed to next week! Again :(
          I have another competition tomorrow but next week I only hav wine practice! Since the season is dying down, I’ll be able to be online more often! Thank you all for being so patient with me! I appreciate it and love you all to bits <3


Hey guys! No updates this week :[ 
          So sorry for the news but this week is going to be hell for me. Considering I have my first competition this Saturday. But, I will more than likely be starting 10-12 over the weekend and should be posting next week! 


I’m going to do it. I’m going to make a harpy AU. 
          I don’t think there is own and, even if it is, it’ll be my own >:] 
          Idk guys my mental stability is going downhill and I just need something to do :[ 
          Also Heavy Weights chapters are just about done! Working on the last big boy right now and then chapter checks and publishing!!!


Heavy Weights WILL be updated either sometime this week or this weekend!!!! My apologies for putting it off, all of my practices and games and school crap kind of just merged together and I’m still trying to adjust. But! I do plan on updating soon! I have Chapter 7 finished and 8 halfway done! Thank you all for being patient with me and expect an update (for real) sometime soon! ;]


@M3m0ryDI5c0rd okay thank you so much! 


@PeopleAreWeirddd Yep! I still do roleplays; they really help with my writers block and they’re fun too! If you want to do one, we can discuss ideas in DMs! :]


@M3m0ryDI5c0rd I was just wondering cuz I was thinking about maybe trying one out! I’ve been reading your story’s and they are amazing and I think I’ve seen you say you do rp’s before!