
Chapter 7 of Soteria is out!  Enjoy reading!


Hello good readers,
          Sorry for not be able to update Soteria these past few days. I caught a flu. I had to send my father to the hospital for a head CT scan. My laptop that I was working in both my day job and my writings had to be upgraded due to lag issues, good thing all my story drafts were still there after.
          But this week I am back in shape and will be delivering the next parts of the story. Thank you once again for the continued support, your love do make wonders.
          Sincerely and back to business,


thanks for the follow but you can follow @DARTazriel instead of me. thanks :)


@MAA_Stories my bad. i didn't see the notif but i followed you already. thanks.


@Senwrite you haven't followed me yet using your actual writing account 


My hands are free these following days and I am planning to read the books of those who provided me with good insights regarding my stories (give and take as mutuals). 
          I will start with;
          1. Those who followed and haven't unfollowed me and gave insights with my stories.
          2. Next is those who followed me these last few months, though I haven't read my stories but have remained following me.
          3. Last is my recent followers, unless you guys could convince me why I should read your stories first before the others 
          Reply to this message if you're interested.
          Anyways happy weekend friends! Stay awesome!