ATTENTION!! well, hello. i see that some of you are thinking i’m on this account still. if you are still keeping track of this account, please know i’m on a new account now. i’ll reply with my new account. 


@MAG1CMUSHR00MS- ] this is my new account. 


tw. vomit. 
          i hate emetophobia so much. it’s like i puke, then i have a panic attack, while puking. then i puke more because my face is in puke. then my panic attack gets worse. then i struggle to breathe, then i puke more because all im thinking about it puking. and on and on and on. I HATE THIS  


this message may be offensive
i hate mood swings. i hate how they ruin every conversation i have. i hate how they fuck up my life. i hate how they make me do shit that i regret afterwards. i hate how they make me delete so many messages. i hate how they make me thing they hate me and want me dead. i hate how they make me think shit i don’t want to think. i hate mood swings.