Monaka / Monaca Towa ;
okay , we can all agree monaca was overly twisted . but , however , you can ' t bash people for liking her . the warrior ' s of hope were made because they all had something in common - their families used and abused them . that means monaca was ALSO abused . her life was messed up so she also was messed up . this is like an example of " if the parent is loud and mean , the son may also turn out loud and mean "
Angie Yonaga ;
now , angie is very similar to kokichi , yet i have seen people love him while hating her . it might come to light that atua might not be real and that it is a coping mechanism for angie since she is lonely . if you look into her free time events , angie hosted a lot of festivals and whenever she was sad , made people come and hang out with her . she was lonely and was just as forceful as kokichi may have seemed .
Yasuhiro Hagakure / Akane Owari ;
the reason these two are pushed together was because they seem to be hated for some of the same reasons . mainly , " there was so many better characters and yet this dumb , dislikable character survived . " akane and yasuhiro are both characters who are missing / lost someone ( yasuhiro misses his mom and akane lost nekomaru ) .
all characters are valid . if you bully others for liking a certain character , you can go climb into a volcano and wait for it to erupt .