Happy Birthday to my Prince! ❤️❤️❤️
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Hi! I would like to ask you if you are interested in book clubs. If you do, feel free to join our book club. Just click the link below or check it in my works ❤ We are supporting each other by exchanging votes, reads, comments and follows. ❤
          Looking forward to see you in "official sunrise book club members"!



@MALEC-FEELS I didn’t know you birthed 5 k-pop idols out of your vagina but I’m proud of your babies. 


            That would be a hella painful birth. Also, I don't even know if I'd have enough money to be able to pay for Donghun's exotic taste in fashion. That's some pricey shït. 


If any of you humans are not subscribed to 'official A.C.E' on youtube, you need to now, because my babies are so close to 500 000 subscribers and they need more support. They are so talented and wonderful and the company and whoever is the company's editor are fùcking lit and they need to garner more attention, because they deserve it. Just consider it. Please. ❤️❤️❤️


@MALEC-FEELS fun. The world wants to watch us freeze and snuggle and yet also burn in the fiery hell it has created above us; a sure sign we have overstayed our welcome on this earth (let’s die)