/   cb  &  spec jjk rpc!!  :)


* / somethin angsty 


*    smt  silly  goofy  (:<


/   friendly :)


[  kugisaki’s  sitting  there,  muttering  away,  sobbing  on  the  stairs  and  trying  to  compose  herself.  itadori  is  dead,  and  of  course,  it’s  only  been  a  short  time—  but  short  time’s  mean  nothing  when  someone  so  memorable  comes  into  your  life.  when  your  heart  decides  it’ll  leave  traces  of  feelings  in  the  empty  space,  where  one  who  sat  previously  doesn’t  sit  there  anymore.  
          so  when  suddenly,  he  wasn’t  dead,  megumi  felt  too  many  things  at  once.  when  they  finally  get  a  chance  to  talk,  itadori  visibly  looks  nervous.  it’s  weird,  he  hasn’t  seen  much  of  that  before,  but  it’s  understandable,  because  megumi  just  /  knows  /  his  features  are  squinted,  not  in  the  most  friendly  of  faces.  ]   /  weeks  /  ?


@tokysoul ⠀ ╱       ﹫       MEGUMI      :     it wasn’t my idea!   [   he defends,  scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.   ]   im really sorry,  fushiguro.  i didnt even expect to be alive,  so..   i made a pact with sukuna,  in my head,  though.  he revived me as his end of the deal. 


/  gojo  needs  to  be  punched  for  this  idea


[  fingers  interlocked,  megumi  keeps  his  head  tilted  down  to  just  watch  their  hands  swing  together.  it’s  something  so  perfect,  something  he’s  never  had  before,  something  he  never  believed  he  could  have  —  but  here  they  are,  and  his  gaze  softens  entirely,  the  hint  of  a  cherry  red  on  his  cheeks.  they  can  go  anywhere,  when  he  feels  like  this.  he  wants  to  do  anything,  hell,  he’ll  even  go  see  that  stupid  earthworm  movie  itadori  loves  so  much  with  him.  ]


@tokysoul ⠀ ╱       ﹫       MEGUMI      :     [   itadori currently is,  in all ways,  blissfully oblivions.  the outside world has no clasp on him,  and all he knows is the weight of megumi’s hand in his own,  and how his heart keeps skipping beats excitedly because of it.   ]    where do you want to go?   [   he asks,  because they have no goal,  though that lack feels so insignificant.  they dont need a goal,  do they,  when they have this?   ] 


/  just  them  being  so  stupidly  in  love  and  megumi  being  a  softy 


[  of  course,  there  may  be  a  curfew,  but  that  doesn’t  stop  his  stupidly  -  in  -  love  -  self  from  grasping  onto  itadori’s  hand  as  he  pulls  him  up  onto  the  roof.  tonight,  the  sky  is  clear,  stars  perfectly  visible  to  the  eye.  megumi  sits  next  to  him,  wrapped  in  one  of  his  love’s  hoodies  as  his  gaze  drifts  to  the  painted  evening  above  them.  ]


@tokysoul ⠀ ╱       ﹫       MEGUMI      :     yeah?  are there any out tonight?    [   he looks back uo at the sky as he speaks,  totally content,  as the stars glow,  shining with all they have,  and he thinks they look wonderful reflecting in megumi’s eyes.   ]   i,  like,  only know one,  and i cant see it,  so. 


            [  it  seems  to  startle  him,  just  a  tad,  having  been  so  focused  on  the  stars  beforehand.  this  causes  his  cheeks  to  warm,  but  he  doesn’t  make  an  attempt  to  move  away.  constellations  ..he  knows  a  few,  he  was  always  fond  of  astrology  in  school.  ]  ..    a  few.


@tokysoul ⠀ ╱       ﹫       MEGUMI      :     [   yuji adores the night sky.  it makes his heart beat with such a childish wonder,  processing how vast it really all is,  and how its beauty thrives in spite of that.  it excites him,  the stars,  and that’s all without megumi there with him.   ]   do you know any constellations?   [   he whispers,  leaning into megumi’s ear to ask,  a smile already at home on his face.   ] 


[  it’s  a  pitch  black  evening  out,  and  itadori  still  insists  on  coming  to  his  bedroom  when  most  others  are  asleep,  showing  up  at  his  door  with  movies  to  binge  and  snacks  to  eat.  he  doesn’t  mind..  per  se,  but  sometimes  he  does  end  up  being  cranky  in  the  morning.  of  course,  the  movies  are  only  part  of  the  reason  that  itadori  even  shows  up  to  his  bedroom.  it’s  the  kisses  he’s  really  after,  to  cuddle  up  with  him  and  take  up  half  the  bed  trying  to  get  as  close  as  he  can.  he’s  a  warm  person,  and  megumi  finds  himself  falling  a  little  too  hard  for  him  all  over  again.  ]  you’re  squishing  me-


            [  only  a  huff  of  air  brushes  against  yuji’s  neck,  no  verbal  response  needed  when  he  knows  megumi  won’t  ask  him  to  loosen  his  grip.  it  doesn’t  bother  him..  the  opposite,  actually.  a  playful  nip  is  given,  as  if  that  will  do  anything  to  validate  his  silence.  ]


@tokysoul ⠀ ╱       ﹫       MEGUMI      :     [   it tickles,  in the most wonderful way,  when megumi’s lips touch down on the skin of his neck,  and he draws in a sharp breath in response.   ]   so you want me to loosen it,  then?   [   he asks,  amusement very clear in his tone,  like he knows what megumi’s answer will be.   ] 


            [  he  shifts  slightly,  grumbling  when  he’s  teased  with  so  many  little  kisses  that  aren’t  properly  pressed  to  his  soft  lips.  megumi  tucks  his  face  where  the  crook  of  yuji’s  neck  is,  breathing  in,  then,  ever  so  tenderly,  letting  his  lips  press  to  his  neck  in  a  fleeting  kiss.  his  words  end  up  muffled  against  his  skin.  ]   tight  enough..