So you ever like so small and people don’t care about you existence but you somehow become friends with someone(a certain papyrus simp)  with like a billion times more followers like wtf how did you notice I exist?


@MAXOMILO cause you are awesome ♡ people who don't notice you are blindd


hi max! just checking in on my wonderful nephew/neice/queer ver. of it/trans ver. of it/whatever your gender is ver. of it! i hope you're healthy and happy! remember to drink lots of water and eat your meals on time! and also go outdoors a bit at times to get more vitamin D from the sun and exercise! i hope you're living the life you love and want! we love you so much on this app/website so remember not to make reckless decisions you'll later regret.
          goodbye for now <3!! and pls come back i miss you WE MISS YOU...


I keep checking this account and every time I do I start crying. I don't even know at this point.


@69xPissx69xBabyx69 yep yep I’m genuinely super distressed 


I’m really scared that your not okay, I really care about you, and the possibility that you lots you account is huge!!! But  a lot of other people I know/my friends know have hurt themselves and I really don’t wanna think you did. You deserve the world,