Hello Followers! It has been a long time since my last update on Second Chances. Sorry about that, but don't worry there will sure to be an update in the future.
If you haven't already, please feel free to check out my other account @BG-Gal where my Cenzy Sister Novels call home. Estrange is currently being edited and rewritten (forgive me if it's terrible) and Fractious will hopefully be seeing updates come the 1st of the year.
A new project has made an appearance on that account so please check that out also. It's only there temporarily as I don't want it to take time from my other works. I found myself entering into a competition a while ago called The National Story Cup or TNSC. Cold Secret will be my entry. Votes will determine which entry will go on to the next round, so please check out my story Cold Secret and leave a vote if you believe it's worthy to win. Oh! And please leave a comment with your thoughts. Thank You for reading! The link below is the reading list to the entries.
Lastly, thank you so much for following me, for taking the time to read, comment, and vote on my stories. I truly appreciate it all.