
          	Hey  twinie I hope your doing good 
          	I miss chatting with u little sis


@MBBstorys I wrote this at like 2 AM and then fell asleep and didn’t post it and I guess I posted it like later after I woke up or something like that I don’t even know


Sorry it was 2:00am when I wrote this and I’m used to hanging out with people younger than me so that’s why I called you a little but sorry yeah I know you’re like two years older than me 
          	  And also I’m doing good and can’t wait for your new book and the djwifi also shoot sorry it was supposed to be a D lowercase because it was like 2 AM so sorry


@MBBstorys Heyy sissy, how are you? I know it's a bit out of blue but.. Do you wanna exchange e-mails?


@Dancingintherain_19 awwww he’s just an over protective boyfriend ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ he’s really funny then lol


          Hey  twinie I hope your doing good 
          I miss chatting with u little sis


@MBBstorys I wrote this at like 2 AM and then fell asleep and didn’t post it and I guess I posted it like later after I woke up or something like that I don’t even know


Sorry it was 2:00am when I wrote this and I’m used to hanging out with people younger than me so that’s why I called you a little but sorry yeah I know you’re like two years older than me 
            And also I’m doing good and can’t wait for your new book and the djwifi also shoot sorry it was supposed to be a D lowercase because it was like 2 AM so sorry


          Hey sissy sorry I couldn’t see your messages in time but what were u saying to me?


Awww your the best 
            Love u to sissy <3


@MBBstorys nothing much... just that I love you and will always be their for you<3


Hey guys….so um I bet that everyone is really f**king mad about the direct messaging system and that we can’t direct message anymore and I’m really mad too and also when I go into my notifications it says that in my inbox I have three notifications but I can’t click on them because they got rid of it and now they’re gonna be stuck there for the rest of the time on Wattpad, which is so freaking stupid and I am so mad right now


Hey I tried emailing you on your personal Email Acc and got a message that came back saying that it doesn't exist. Do you have another one that you check often?


this message may be offensive
            Ahhh shit my adhd brain got so freaking distracted for like the next two hours, like what the hell is wrong with me


@HeroineOfLight Weird I didn't get the new Email in the DM.


@HeroineOfLight here is the one I tried to give u early 
            Tell me if it works as I might have put it in wrong 
            Dm you rn