Hey Everyone! So I know I said that I would be continuing ROTP through a series of short stories, but while I was working on the next short segment, I realized that, with the storyline I was going for, it was going to be hard to keep the story short. So I will be starting a new book!
It will be set after ROTP and I'll be posting it after I flesh out the storyline I already have planned a little more and create a new cover for the book.
In the meantime, I still plan to keep any ideas for memory regain open if you guys want to comment them here since I will be deleting the latest chapter of my Short Stories book to tweak it a little bit for the new book.
I hope you all and your families are doing well during this time of self-quarantine and I will do my best to have this new book as soon as possible. And if you guys want to talk about anything or just want to vent to someone about our current situation, feel free to shoot me a message and I will answer it as soon as I can ^^
See Y'all soon!