i'm sick of vegans staring at my plants with hungry eyes. like, no, don't touch ronalds leaves you bushy bastard 


i think "the smell of other people's houses" by Bonnie Hitchcock is my new favourite book. it's such a gem lol


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the best thing about is how i discovered it; i googled "how do i describe what fish shit smells like" and then i saw this book recommendation on a blog so i had to just buy it on amazon. and that's how i met your mother, kids


i will never read a thick book from stephen king ever again, he rambles wayyyyy too much. i mean his character development and description are amazing but the execution of it is terrible and his books are paced too slow and it's boring to read. i recommend you reading IT if you want to read 1000 pages of nothing really happening expect of him describing the scene and showing the daily life of his characters. 


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i can't stand it when ppl say they love summer sooooo much but when it's hot all they do is sit at home with their a/c on, eating icecream, and when they do go outside they complain about it being hot, but when i call them out on it they still insist that summer is the best like BITCH where tf is summer the best?? okay i'm just sick of it being 14 C non stop for months i just wanna die man, no wonder hell is hot cuz summer is hell i get all dizzy and lazy in this shit weather 


@xmiishux oh i just remembered my friend is in Tuscany, italy rn lol she said it's rlly hot


@ME-CRAZY yeah I can’t do that lol. You’ll find me in my covers lol 


@chandlerlicious i prefer straight up deadly cold unforgiving harsh winter where you're so busy freezing ur ass off that you forget what the sun is