Well, it's been well over a year since I've been on here and honestly I can't really say I miss it too much, but I still do. So I may or may not be coming back for just a while. I have some ideas, and a little bit of free time. I will need to do some revising on works like "The City" to pave the way for future works. There will be some surreal short stories written eventually that don't have much meaning, but that's the point.
Not meaning to be rude, but this page is more of a therapy session for me to clear my head of all these ideas I have. I have no plans to publish my works, so expect extreme mediocrity and borderline childish writing. Because as condescending and arrogant it may seem, this is more for me than it is for most of you. If you happen to enjoy the works at all, I do thank you for reading and enjoying them. I hope they give you some inspiration to do some writing of your own. After all, everyone's works are reflections of their ideal stories, the more you read, the deeper you're diving into the authors thoughts. That alone should disturb or inspire some of you.
Greetings to everyone in 2021, it's been many years and hopefully there still is a slight pulse existing in this page before I vanish forever. Thank you all, it has been, and still might be a wild ride to come.
Goodbye, and see you soon.