
Go step on lego pls ty


I hope you're alive and doing well ♡


You better be having proper breakfasts 


It's half past 11 and I thought it was a good idea to reread our messages. Jesus boy I hope you're alive, safe, well and happy 


i love you. 


i'll come back later <3
            i love you, khoza.


i hope you laugh everyday because laughing is healthy for the soul ^-^


i hope you dont ever lose your precious smile.


you'll always be loved by me


and most importantly, my best friend <3


my one and only <3


this message may be offensive
lilli, lily, luci, crunhking drunhk, pretty fache, my dude, my beta, hiiiyiyiiyiiii
          SO, i was just appreciating all my internet friends in my head and i was like 'wait i havent talked with them in a while nor have i complimented them' because of,,,,, well you know about my mum aNyWhO so thank you for being the random dude who i decided to talk with at 2am and thank you for being drunk-ish in the following days bc joosus u were drUnk and cUte and ig our typos sort of became a part of our convos and daily exchange of pLeAsAnTaRiEs, and tbh i dont exactly remember but ig we met before this username happened anD WHAT WAS YOUR OLD USERNAME AGAIN?? but pssssh im glad i was the one who gave you this username so like if u ever change this username ill kill u jkjk just make it your backup acct or sumn AnYwHo TB TO THE TIME WHEN BREA AND I TALKED and phew it was sorta awkward bUt AKSKFKKSKFKS the memories we've had dude it was liytiiitititttutitttt!1!!1! 
                    on a serious note;; 
          thank you for being there for me recently during the hard time, thank you for being the one who was straightforward and told me that ill be fine again life goes on, thank you for calling my legs&socks cute bc guess what, that day was the day when my mum was in a critical condition and like that made me so happy you dont even know, thank you for randomly hyping me up, thank you for being awkwardly cute and sOfT as heck w me and jUdE, thank you for helping all of us out when we were distressed, thank you for being a wonderful person who despite of his own problems wouldnt hesitate to chop a bitch up for others,


dad brought food**** 
            im so used to saying mum bringing me food :(
            sigh, i hope she's happy up there


mum brought food, i got distracted yIKES OOPS aNYWAYS AS I WA SSAYING
            thanks for literally being the virtual "manly" rock of my virtual life like akskfkksd duDe you're a blessing and no one can tell me otherwise,,
            ily okay cool bye
            oh and thanks for calling me nie, it's my nickname in school now