
On another note, Silken is such a pretty last name I'm stealing it u.u 


Belated Happy birthday Mayesha!
          I'm sorry that I'm late. Or maybe sorry bcz I may haven't wished you in the past two years.
          I feel like, the one, wishing on birthdays should be a person's closest one. So I tend to delay birthday wishes; from...I don't know when xD.
          Imagine having a boundless book of destiny, its pages etched with secrets and wonders, illuminated by the shimmering light of distant kingdoms. Each chapter, a fragment of time, unfolds like a delicate dance of fate, guiding us through the labyrinth of life. And within this grand opus, you, are the protagonist, the one chosen to traverse its magnificent passages.
          Now just by imagining this let your life flow. I feel like you are going through a hard time. Let Allah decide all. Know, there will be chapters that leave you weeping, tears cleansing the soul. But these are only for your own growth. 
          May Allah fulfil all your wishes and may your dreams come true✿  


uhh really sorry i didnt come back here to see your wish ;-; i decided to cut this place from my life so severe detachment to it was necessary
            but thank you so much for spending so much of your energy and your goodwill and your thoughtfulness into composing this, im so very grateful to be remembered, it is the highest honour you couldve bestowed upon me, may your month be full of peace<3


I am, once again, back in my I hate food era and it is exhausting to be captured into this charade of mine again,, it shouldn't be the words of a person on their day of birth but then again I don't seem get to choose them. Not that anyone should be having these thoughts in the first place.
          I can't seem to forget long enough not to remember. You'd think with a memory like mine, I'd forget it already but nope, can't have easy things.
          I wonder if it's in the blood or is it a concoction I brewed on my own? Because if it isnt the latter, I wish they'd never met, they both have someone who's way too much like me. Just two sides of a coin, one who improved and one who clung onto her faith so bad that she never made any progress.
          And then the grandmother asks, where does this (my issue) come from? You've lived with people with personal failings like this all your life, why is it unbearable when it's me? Did you think it won't get passed down or something 
          They all ask the same as if I don't wish I was completely and perfectly normal about food.


@MFOshin hope you're okay <3


You really make me wonder if I just made things up: for a person like me, having parosmia is so convenient isn't it you're tired of it and so am I
            Living is so dreadful sometimes. I'm sorry I occupy space I also wish I didn't have to. Really, how do you hold onto a healthy mindset, it is simply so easy to slip 


Hi to anyone to reads it but I'm hoping no one does and we've all found someplace better <3
          I still post rants somewhere on the net, I still find wonderful things about me even tho the way I say them don't share this sentiment, and yeah, I still look at myself like an object on a petri dish (yk the whole alienise yourself and over-analyse thing), I still suck at most things but I assume most people aren't experts in most things and even rarely in one thing but most importantly, I'm doing much better now. Just like I've said a year or two ago.
          I hope the same goes for you 
          Also I'm not leaving, not with this many stuff I haven't finished reading (writing this made me miss the draft feature on tumblr so bad, its so easy to get used to things) ig it sounds like a goodbye note even tho it's an update bcs none of us are going to be here much (good for all of us really) 


@MFOshin *steals heartos* (;


@MFOshin both names are fine if its you. You can call me anything you want


@ParisWhite20071 I sure hope so. I stayed with my current friend grp for a long time so that's what causing the anxiety. And it's already so very different now.
            Oof that's the subject most of my peer grp is pursuing. Godd, keeping up with all that sounds is bound to be an herculean effort. I already hear sm frustrations from those preparing for engineering admissions. (congratulations for getting into it tho, it must've been so hard <33) I'm going for business administration if that makes sense, I didn't consider much plus am very new to this bcs I had science background before 


hope you're doing well (dunno if you'll ever use this again but ;-; im glad i got to talk to you, thank you for existing)


@hvraithe damm I was really buried this time. I'm not gone okkk here I'll post all the social medias you can find me at. Do you want my number, I have a feeling you don't want that but it can be given u.u
            Not being here (at all) was nice ngl. But then I saw all the books I had been procrastinating on,, I'll go back to procrastinating on them asap. Idk what to say abt the ppl it's been a while (I'VE MISSED YOU THO this object permanence thing is really kicking my butt) thank YOU for existing as well. We'll celebrate our existence everyday right after we finish beating us up inside  (sry if I became an entirely diff person tho it was bound to happen) 


by this I mean wattpad lol


I can't believe I gave my biology exm already. I remember my panick (I haven't read bio first ppr for a longg time period, like a year long of absence and quite not a year long all at once). I remember reading bio the day before bio exm and enjoying myself (haven't in a while). I remember giving the exm! Still carrying sm disbelief bcs that one is over?!? Bro how do you get over this. Actually trapped in the month before </3


whoa i didnt know your exams were going on, ahh kinda late though, if they aren't over, good luck!! It will be worth it so hang in there and give your best. Also make lots of prayers, inshaAllah you'll be content with the results. Also, don't stress *squeezzee* <3


The best job I had was moving a stone
          from one side of the road to the other.
          This required a permit which required
          a bribe. The bribe took all my salary.
          Yet because I hadn’t finished the job
          I had no salary, and to pay the bribe
          I took a job moving the stone
          the other way. Because the official
          wanted his bribe, he gave me a permit
          for the second job. When I pointed out
          that the work would be best completed
          if I did nothing, he complimented   
          my brain and wrote a letter
          to my employer suggesting promotion


but i feel in every course there's at least one subject that you hate more than life itself 


@MFOshin chem really kicks a-s-s


*too good (to the one above reply above) 