
718 reads! I don't deserve this guys, you all have been absolutely wonderful, even with me starting to lose interest. You guys are great Thanks my little kittens!


Oh My God...508 reads, The Girl with Wings has 508 reads...oh my god. I am so speechless right now, I love all of my readers and I can't believe that I have 508 reads. This might not seem like a big deal to anyone else but it is awesome for me. The Girl with Wings is and still continues to be my first fan fiction. I started writing on wattpad when my friend Meghan showed it to me.  I was immediately hooked and loved writing on the site. The Girl with Wings has helped me in so many ways. I love writing about Joanie and I continue to love writing about her. 
          I love developing her character and the story line. 
          on another note...I am sorry about the schedule thing, my keywords in that post was try to, but having a due date makes me panic a bit, so I am not going to have a schedule for the time being. I am going back to school on the 27th this month and it will be a bit harder for me to update but I will try my hardest to update in a timely that's all for now 
          Love you guys always, 
          ~Madison Valdez


Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope you all have a good day and an even better Independence day. 
          In other news, Just as promised, I published the first chapter on my new book Bianca and The Sea. I will be updating The Girl with Wings later on.
          I also have decided to try to start a schedule for updating, so here it is. 
          Bianca and the Sea: Mondays,Wednesdays, and Fridays
          The Girl with Wings: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays
          on Saturdays I will post a bonus chapter for whatever book of mine that has the most votes and reads, so this Saturday I will put a bonus chapter up for The Girl with Wings. 
          ~Love Madison Valdez


"Mom, Evan, wake up now! We will be late for our first day of high school." I heard a clang, and two pairs of feet head down to the kitchen. My little brother, Evan, Sat at the table, hair brushed, uniform on and with his backpack by his feet. Mom soon follows in PJs and coffee mug in hand she gives me a small smile and ruffles Evans hair affectionately. "Evan, how are already in high school you barely 9, jeez I thought I had to wait until you were 17, my clever boy." Evan looks at her weird, then stops. "Joanie, move away from the door." Evan turns up the volume on his hearing aids and turns his head towards the door.
          I heard a the glass break, so looked towards the window. When I look back my mom is clutching her neck, blood seeping through her fingers. "MOM!!" I rushed towards her as she fell from her seat at the table. "T-t-take care of Evan. H-he depends on you and find, Phil c-coulson, y-your father. I have a file under the loose floor board in the s-sta-" her eyes kept staring at me, dead, lifeless, my brother stares in innocent horror.
          I run to him, holding him close. I heard banging on the door and I look through the peephole. There was at least 10 men. I grabbed Evan and we ran upstairs I grab my phone, and call my mom's old co-worker, Maria Hill. 
          As I promised... My new book to replace my old one


Hello everyone I am Here to update on my other series which was formally known as May-Bee's Horror Diary. It is now called Ann Putnam Jr's diary. It takes place in the Salem which trials and from an actual person i will try to write like i think she would and do as much research to make it as accurate as possible. Wis Me Luck


Dear Diary,
          I'm dead. No seriously i am dead. I have been dead for 30 years. My family is dead. My friends are dead and the only way i could possibly tell there legacy is through my diary.


you put up preview so they are interested and you then have a schedule to update it.


@MGalderman09 is that how people get so many readers? Previews? I just put up pics on my page and hope someone doesn't take them out of context. LOL