Hello, have you ever thought how stupid you are? Have you ever thought you are worthless? Have you even thought you are better off dead? Have you ever cut? Have you ever broke down? Have you even lost a friend to suiside? Has any of your friends tryed ever tryed ending it and you never gotten why? Have you been bullied? Have you had a disorder? Are your parents srill together? Do you have both parents...
She lays, she stares
She thinks as watching the stars.
She is praying. She is hoping
In her mind is
"I am better off dead,
I am lost and i want to deal alone
I am left wish i can help everyone
You cant help everyone,
Thats what people say"
I take a deep breath
I can be stupid. I can be useless. I can be worthless.. lost.. afraid.
I told myself i can get better.
She told herself world is better than it seems
Life is as beautiful as it is ugly...
We should see the pretty through the gross.. bc it is worth seeming than sunrise...