Geez i've been real offline here lately i'm real sorry. BUT i have been a lot more active on Tiktok (@damsellete) and been posting a lot of my Art there and i forgot i had an art book here so expect a sudden wave of lots of art be published there and j might publish a new book just containing the comics i made 


Hey Damsellete I hope you don't mind but I don't think I'll able to finish my Wattpad story cause I kinda lost motivation but ur a great author 


@the_king_of_the_void  maybe u should come up with ideas for them but if you continue doing what you love maybe u might have the motivation again 


@the_king_of_the_void Hello!! Omg Im so sorry for seeing this late. Also, aww that sucks to hear! Yet again, no I am not a good author because I to have lost motivation on my books  


Geez i've been real offline here lately i'm real sorry. BUT i have been a lot more active on Tiktok (@damsellete) and been posting a lot of my Art there and i forgot i had an art book here so expect a sudden wave of lots of art be published there and j might publish a new book just containing the comics i made 


Hey ya'll i'm sorry i haven't been updating on stories in a while! Yeah. did kinda my on going books and i apologize but it's been hard for me to write these couple of days. Mainly busy on making and being consistent on my Art than in writing. Those and my motivation is write has been really low. I am considering on putting the books i have on going on hiatus because even i can't keep up with it anymore. BUT i will still update on the oneshot book time to time because that is a little easier and shorter to write for me if i had an idea. I hope you all understand! Thank you for your time to read this and reading everything i've done!


            hey dont worry about it! your stories are amazing and i think your really awesome!! 
            dont worry about it and like i said i like your stories and art, your a spetacular person! **please mind my spelln its terrible lol** 
            but you seem  really awesome and your stories are amazing :D


I have decided to make a one shot book soon! I might separate the ships and none ships one but lets see! So sorry for really slow updates, i've been busy on other socials so i hope this oneshot book can get some of my ideas out in a more shorter way lol


Been thinking about doing one shots again since i've been busy on personal things to continue longer books and i have a ton of ideas for short stories and should i make a new book just about one shots? What do ya'll think? 


@ MICRO_MIXER_XD  i love one shots story :D ,so,no problem for me 


Hey Micro mixer XD! I just want to tell you that your wattpad stories,your arts and animation about the egos was amazing.i read some of your stories 2 years ago,idk if the stories was unpublished(secretly,that's why i followed you now,sorry :"),now i'm back to wattpad and i want to tell you that keep posting your creativity! Thank you! You really made my day brighter! :D


@GreenMg Im so glad to hear you still wanna read my stories! :DD


That's why they not in my library! xD, i understand that, i came back to this fandom again and want to nostalgia,bur i still want to read the other stories that you made ✨️


@GreenMg Hello!! Thank you so much and i'm glad you liked my content here, makes me so happy when people say they like my ideas!! And yeah probably unpublished since i did unpublished most of my old books when i came back lol! 


Heyyo! I just wanted to let ya'll know that i just published a new book again! Named "The Dark Curse"
          Yes i know i still have an ongoing book and i will still update on that and this as well! I just couldn't help it this idea was just too good i had to start making it!


Did you delete your baby egos book? If so.... why? I absolutely adored that book and miss it dearly.


@Gracie_is_everything I unpublished it. Sorry but that story was really cringy for me to look at now. It started off really bad and i was clearly unprepared as i continued. So yeah, i unpublished it for now. 