took down my doil ff because that wasn't going anywhere, sorry for everyone who hoped that it will end good lol i just can't write lol I'm very sorry :/
took down my doil ff because that wasn't going anywhere, sorry for everyone who hoped that it will end good lol i just can't write lol I'm very sorry :/
everytime I try to write a new chapter, the page stays blank, my mind is so empty right now i don’t even know what to do. I’m so sorry for leaving you hanging guys...
Guys I’m sorry for not updating for almost a week now. I’m really trying to get myself to write a new chapter but i just can’t do anything rn. My mood is so down and I’m not feeling well. I try my best to puplish a chapter as soon as possible! I’m so sorry that you habe to wait. :(
@ -preciousx omg echt? :0 wow me grateful I forgot to breath qmdkwkd dann danke dir vielmals, dass du schon so lange dabei bist und immer so geduldig auf neue Kapitel gewartet hast! ♡
@ -preciousx omg echt? :0 wow me grateful I forgot to breath qmdkwkd dann danke dir vielmals, dass du schon so lange dabei bist und immer so geduldig auf neue Kapitel gewartet hast! ♡
Deine Geschichte ist meine Lieblings YugBam Geschichte ^^ ich hab sie angefangen zu lesen als es grad mal...uhm..15 Kapitel gab? Weiß nichtmehr genau haha. Aber ich finde sie aufjedenfall super, danke für die tolle Geschichte!