i’ve hit a major road block in my current book and this usually doesn’t happen when i’ve planned everything out to a tee (which i did with liar and iced caramel latte). but i’ve hit a point in this book with no way to link two plot points together and it’s irking me badly. i just can’t get past it but i know where i want to go afterwards with the story, i just need to find a way T^T
          	so i’m sorry if the next update is taking a long time >.< that’s why, i’m really trying i promise!!


i’ve hit a major road block in my current book and this usually doesn’t happen when i’ve planned everything out to a tee (which i did with liar and iced caramel latte). but i’ve hit a point in this book with no way to link two plot points together and it’s irking me badly. i just can’t get past it but i know where i want to go afterwards with the story, i just need to find a way T^T
          so i’m sorry if the next update is taking a long time >.< that’s why, i’m really trying i promise!!


우리 설아 ❤️ 사실... 내 생각에는 설아 언니가 케이팝의 제일 예쁜 여자 아이돌이에요. 개인적으로. 원영이도 있는데… 설아의 얼굴이랑 비주얼 진짜 최~고. 


@MINGIMCHI 설아 진짜 예뻐. 사랑 빠졌다 쾬덤2에서. 그냥 설아 사랑 빠져 아닌데.제가 사랑 빠졌다 우주소녀의 멤버들.엑시, 연정 수빈, 루다, 보나, 여름, 다영, 다원, 은서, 그리고 설아. 모두 다 잘해요. 음악도. 항상 제 머릿에서 부탁해 들려.


@Harimzz 우주소녀! 설아가 우주소녀 맏언니예용 ^^


@MINGIMCHI 설시 는 무슨구룹 맴버이세요?


new book covers and new title for my most recent book, i think the illusion of knowledge encapsulates the story exactly the way i want it to :D


@Silversaint_ i just whipped something up very quickly i promise… the other covers were not to my liking i wanted them gone ASAP. it intrigues me that you say the covers are very… me. i spill a lot of myself on this platform and of course we’ve interacted lots but still remain fairly anonymous so it’s interesting to me that you’ve come to such a nice conclusion about the book covers hehe >.<


@MINGIMCHI am i amazed? more than that, definitely. cause those covers scream... _you_. they're simple, indeed, but so... so beautiful and fully you and illusion of knowledge? didn't feel so satisfied, so aesthetically pleased in a hot minute!!! ♥


alright i need to slow my roll with these penthouse updates, even i can't keep up with myself. i'm gonna take a break and flesh out the next few sections of the book, we've reached roughly the halfway mark but i don't want to say that because there's sooo much i want to write and have planned on including. 
          if you haven't read it yet and are interested, penthouse is my most recent work and is an ateez murder mystery with the eight boys being the suspects in a murder. it's inspired by penthouse the drama but you don't need to watch the drama to read the story, i just took inspiration from the drama :D anyways, i'm very proud of it so if you want to check it out, please do.
          anyways, i wish you all the best!
          much love,


@Nurul4Wadi oh of course  you can probably see comments of some people who watched the drama and knew what i was referencing with certain moments but i wanted to make sure that it was a story that could be enjoyed by anyone!!


@MINGIMCHI ❤❤❤❤ glad to know that i didnt even need to watch the drama first to understand the whole concpet buahaha , fightingggg ! ✨


guerrilla… guerrilla. 
          my favourite ateez title is inception. it has been for two whole years and nothing they’ve released has touched inception. upon first listening of the instrumental alone, i knew it was my choice because that song sounds like literal sparkles. like the heavens had allowed just a trickle of its holiness and blessed inception and her bridge. it’s been on my spotify on repeat playlist for two years because it’s that good of a song. nothing and i mean NOTHING could top it. not 불놀이야, not déjà vu, not eternal sunshine, not the real. their past titles don’t compare to the superiority of inception. 
          then. then guerrilla hit. 
          i’m an ex-emo kid that still loves the music and plays it occasionally when i’m in the mood. groups like green day, bring me the horizon, sleeping with sirens, all time low, they are my ride or die. these groups have made some of my all time favourite songs that kpop can hardly touch. 
          until now. 
          because guerrilla has the nostalgia of my pop-punk-rock phase but modernised to a catchy kpop dance track. it took the elements of my genuine favourite music and created something that takes inspiration from it, and then further developed it into something… spectacular. it’s vocals, it’s rock elements, even screamo elements. it has managed to mesh my worlds together when i thought such a thing couldn’t exist and for that… i truly don’t know what could beat, not just guerrilla, but this album as a whole. my expectations have soared sky high, i have never been this fidgety about an album and looking forward to listening to it. not even with their previous albums because i won’t lie, those didn’t nearly bring the sheer excitement that movement pt. 1 is about to bring. 
          this comeback is one for the history books. my history books. i want it to drop as soon as possible </3


is it too difficult to just write a cute and fluffy fic? like something that has no twists, no smut, nothing weird, just a straight up, well written and really really adorable story that makes your heart melt into a puddle. that might be interesting to try…


@Silversaint_ i’m exactly the same as you :( i lose interest in the story without the twists and the turns and it’s why my novels are the way they are. i only wrote this because after almost a decade on this platform i’ve been faced with a lot of criticism for my work. frankly, a lot of them are for decisions i had made when i was younger and more naive and less.. competent (?) as a writer. but even stories that i was very confident in, there’s things about them that rub people the wrong way, they’ll let me know and it makes me second guess a lot of what i write. it’s never straight up hate but i don’t handle criticism well despite knowing that it’s something to improve my work and make me better as a writer and a person. lately, despite adding trigger warnings and general warnings, people are still so critical about my work and saying i ‘ruined a member for them,’ (that’s a whole other story) so i just wonder what it would be like if i just… got rid of all the horrible 18+ things that is in all my stories and just made something perfectly pg. i’m well aware that my work isn’t for everyone but that’s what the warnings are for y’know? idk, broadening my horizons never hurts right?


@MINGIMCHI not speaking on someone else's behalf, so to me, it is kinda difficult. because every time i try to do something nice and sweet, nothing too complicated, my brain just decides on the spot to twist everything, to think of ways to ruin the beautiful innocence of something so gentle like an utopian universe. i think i really suck at writing fluff, but i'd love to try writing that again someday, which is why, love, i encourage you to go for it whenever you feel the need for something like this, no matter how hard it may be, i think you'll do such an amazing job. never give up so easily and always trust yourself in the process and give it a shot, cause who knows, you might love it in the end. never hesitate to play with your blossoming ideas however you want, satisfy all your needs because there's no one here to judge your beautiful work and if you don't take the opportunity, who's gonna do that for you?~ <333


i feel a strong desire to just publish everything i’ve written for penthouse. but it’s plot is so finely woven, i know that would just cause chaos for me in the future. i slowly pick through and make sure it makes sense whilst giving the right intention to my dear readers.
          she’s all over the place but if you’ve seen the drama, you know that those poor teenagers had to go through a lot because of their parents but also because of their own internal conflicts and i knew i had to also do that to stay true to the subject material. 
          anyways, another interrogation scene is up. enjoy ^^


          so… i am of the belief that there haven’t been any good bg titles in 2022 where the only exceptions to this are txt and (recently) sf9. it’s because all the songs have just been… too bland and plain or waaaay too intense and noisy for my liking. when i first heard the start for guerrilla i didn’t know how to feel because it’s noisy, it’s loud, it’s very much in your face and that scared me a bit. 
          but then i heard it the second time and i just… completely fell in love? i’m completely obsessed with the pre-chorus and yunhwa as the center for the chorus. like, i feel like if it were to come out of a different group i wouldn’t like it, but ateez have this way with instrumentals and vocals that completely sold me on this song. i cannot wait to hear the rest of it.