
I have loved your book Guilt of the Night People so much. I’m rereading it, again, and then I’m going to reread Lair of the Draca. I have a burning itch to find out what happens to Julie and Ziuta. I know it’s been a long time but if you ever pick up Lair of the Draca again, if you finish it I will buy it. You are an amazing author and I know you’ve had some hard times but i hope you see this message and know that you have touched the hearts of people all around the world with your work. 


Thank you so much Ms Danielle! I thought I recognized you! My father passed away a short while ago, and when he did, I was devastated. My depression was such that I abandoned all hope of finishing my other works, and then decided that it didn't have to be that way. I think my father would have wanted me to press ahead with what I love, and therefore began writing this piece (which I do plan to integrate with characters and events from my first peace. In short, thank you for your support! I've missed you and everyone else! It feels great to get a fresh start <3 <3 <3