
i get to go watch mean girls tomorrow!!!!!


I was watching the Danger Force Rick Twittler thing, and here is some things that i noticed:
          I definitely ship Bose/ Miles and Chaps/Mika.
          The scene when Chapa and Mika were kidnapped kinda freaked me out because it's two Teenage girls trapped with 2 stupid, grownup, men, who happen to be villains and they can't use there powers. My mind just went on a downward spiral.
          I really like the whole Ray being Chapa's  father figure. It makes me happy. 
           - That's all. Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and all the other celebrations happening around this time!!


All i did today was watch B99 and discuss with my 2 out if 3 make friends what dresses ( along with accessories and shoes) would fit them best. One wants a strapless purple short dress with stilettos. Another wants a big poofy to strapped bright red dress with white doc Martens and a Black swan necklace from keeper of the Lost cities. So I just screenshotted a bunch of stuff and send it to them and then like help them figure out what they wanted and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. But now since I watched b99 a bunch of my other female friends came in since I did this on a group chat and started adding all of their input and I'm kind of a bit annoyed because this was a thing I love to do and I do a lot I talked about it with them a lot but then they all come in and out of there and put and I like that they're adding the input but I kind of wish I'd done this on like a private server. That's not the right word but whatever. Anyway it was great and I really loved it


So I attended a Catholic school, right. We took life science last year, so I was like, Yay! The talk. But instead we get in in religion when we do Theology of the Body. So that's fun. I also get to listen to my religion teacher tell me what gender identity is, and like, asdfhjkloitrwqzvbmkpifdhjfdhis that'll be annoying. So yay


Does anyone else  wake up from a nap, lay there for 2 minutes with no brain activity and I then wonder why they exist. Like " This life is stupid. Why the hell do I exist. I must have been a cosmic mistake." Then you ask the God/Gods of your choice to give you a cool life when your reborn if they decide to use your Soul again or something.


            I don't usually take naps, I was just really tired since STRESS. Hope your having a beautiful day!!