          	No problem darlin'


          The U.S. signed the ACTA... Which in all is the same thing as SOPA, but worldwide.
          ES is in danger of being closed down. Along with 75% of the net.... The can also trace anyone who has been Pirating things.... America may go to hell soon. Prepare yourself.
          ACTA does the following:
          Allows cencorship of the internet
          They can search your iPod or computer with giving a reason
          They can confiscate your iPod or computer with giving a reason
          They can monitor what you do online
          They can block websites deemed "unacceptable" without limit
          It will block p2p technology, like uTorrent
          It will allow ISPs to PERMANENTLY ban you from the internet without trail
          It will allow arrests based on things you search
          This should take effect very soon!