
Did I mention... NEW CHAPTER! 
          	Gotta go, sneezing like I got feathers up my nose XD.
          	xoxo MJ


Hola compadres!
          Soo, today all of a sudden I remembered I had another complete manuscript from 7 years ago and gee I'm thinking of editing it to post here eventually... Editing is easier since I can't write anymore with my crazy rehab schedule... Now that I've stopped the pool... Anyway, what do you think of another high school romance from me? Eventually...
          Oh and how's your week been?
          xoxo MJ 


Allons y!
          I FINALLY sat myself down and wrote the blurb for The Secretary!!! Yesssss.
          Allez Vous! Read it now to get a clue. Hehe. Rhyme.
          Once again, it's an adult romcom but that does NOT mean it's 18+! It's just set in the adult world of business and working girls, unlike the high school and college themes I've been writing for the last few years. Don't worry, I'm a clean Catholic writer (⁠.❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠).
          Enjoy! And pardon the French. XD 
          Muah, a bientot!
          xoxo MJ 


Okay so I totally forgot about that new activity, sorry... And I won't post that till the weekend again... But to make it up to y'all, I decided to release the second chapter of River of Hope today, early gift - enjoy! Eeek, my first ever chapter from a boy's pov! Super exciting.
          So get reading, I'm looking forward to some comments. Can't wait to see what you think!
          xoxo MJ 


          So I've just published the intros and characters from The Secretary and River of Hope... Again... And I'll post the first chapters for BOTH books tomorrow. I expect to see them both added to a lot of reading lists before tomorrow hopefully. Pretty please. Do give them a chance. One's a biz romcom the other a YA romcom. I'm bushed... See ya tomorrow! Add away!
          Introducing the newest juiciest romcoms from yours truly! ~♥️
          xoxo MJ