
I have, unofficially, finished Baby's Breath but am in the process of editing the story from beginning to end. I hope, once it is posted, you all enjoy the full first book of Cobalt's first chronicle. yay!


I have, unofficially, finished Baby's Breath but am in the process of editing the story from beginning to end. I hope, once it is posted, you all enjoy the full first book of Cobalt's first chronicle. yay!


Hi there,
          I discovered you completely by random chance, I'm curious how you lost your power to write? And to whom? I'm glad you recovered it, but please share the back story...


@debdoo65 sorry it took so long to respond! well...i was a victim of domestic violence...although i got away and am very happy now...it took such a long time to try to write again. i think when you hand over your personal power to others..it can send you into a sort of coma in every way...i still feel nervous writing..like walking through the mall naked. lol...but i am learning other people cannot decide anything for me. there was a time the monster in my head told me i was bad at all i did..was wrong in all i was...now i am finding myself as i write. my fears...my strengths and weaknesses. i write because...simply put...i love writing.


i have been so overwhelmed with life i have lost some momentum. I needed some time to redefine who and what i want to write. i have so many things inside my mind i am having a hard time focusing on one thought. forgive my lack of attention. i have discovered another plot inside of me. you see, i have a ghost i talk to, its a long story, and together, right now we have been creating this series of books. a taste of our ideas will be coming soon and i hope you enjoy and assist! i have not forgotten poor amity but i really need to introduce to you Cobalt Lindsey. some of you have met her before. some have not. those who know her, do not know her like this. i will be offering a taste soon!


Aww bless your heart! What a compliment. Thank you so much for taking the time to read that little bit. I never got around to finishing it - but my writing has certainly improved since then. Thank you again my dear. :) Following you back ;-)


i know what its like to pull away from a story...maybe one day u can go back...its beautiful....


Wow, thanks! I'm not sure why your message will only show up on my news feed and nowhere else, but I still got it. Thank you very much :P Apprentice was one of my older works, so it's not one of my favorites, but I'm glad you enjoy it, and The Colony! I have big things planned for The Colony. I'm glad you like my writing!