
If y'all don't like my books don't read them. Simple as that. 
          	I no longer have the time or energy to deal with ignorance and I'll be damned if I am changing MY books to please anyone. 
          	You can say "hey this isn't for me". Give constructive criticism, point out mistakes in spelling and grammar, I don't mind. At all. And actually someone commenting that a word is obviously misspelled or something makes my job easier. I can go in fix it and go about my day. You can even tell me you hate a character and why, Hey, some of them I hate too. You can tell me you hate my book and why. It's fine. Not everyone likes everything that's just the way life works. 
          	But I WILL NOT tolerate stupid comments from ANYONE. If you don't like it or me then move the hell on. 


@MJWrites91 I never understand why people feel the need to be rude or derogatory in comments, if I don't like a story I simply stop reading, it's not that hard, some comment sections I've seen have been absolutely horrible. 
          	  I had one person that read so far onto one of my stories, quite happily commenting then just stopped and complained that the storyline was too miserable, I mean.......wtf?.


@MJWrites91 I always like to say that comments should be helpful not hurtful. Like you said, helping improve your writing, but it is not their story so change the grammar not the plot. 


If y'all don't like my books don't read them. Simple as that. 
          I no longer have the time or energy to deal with ignorance and I'll be damned if I am changing MY books to please anyone. 
          You can say "hey this isn't for me". Give constructive criticism, point out mistakes in spelling and grammar, I don't mind. At all. And actually someone commenting that a word is obviously misspelled or something makes my job easier. I can go in fix it and go about my day. You can even tell me you hate a character and why, Hey, some of them I hate too. You can tell me you hate my book and why. It's fine. Not everyone likes everything that's just the way life works. 
          But I WILL NOT tolerate stupid comments from ANYONE. If you don't like it or me then move the hell on. 


@MJWrites91 I never understand why people feel the need to be rude or derogatory in comments, if I don't like a story I simply stop reading, it's not that hard, some comment sections I've seen have been absolutely horrible. 
            I had one person that read so far onto one of my stories, quite happily commenting then just stopped and complained that the storyline was too miserable, I mean.......wtf?.


@MJWrites91 I always like to say that comments should be helpful not hurtful. Like you said, helping improve your writing, but it is not their story so change the grammar not the plot. 


The following stories should now available be available on my Inkitt account. ❤️
          Through His Window -Edited with brand new cover and extended scene. 
          Attracting Amy
          A Once In A Lifetime Love -Edited with brand new cover
          The Smiling Girl 
          You, Again?
          Better Than Blair - edited with a brand new cover 
          Abiding Law - The first 5 chapters 
          Fault Lines - Story Info 
          I am working my way through all of my stories just please be patient it gets very time consuming. I am also doing a lot of edits as I go so just bear with me. 
          I may bring a couple of my completed novels back on here later but I'm not sure yet. I need more time to calm down and decide. But everything will definitely be published on Inkitt and new work will be posted there for the foreseeable future. 


@MJWrites91 I'll check them out (especially through my window!) It's hard to get reads or interactions on Inkitt so I've been quiet there, but I'll check in because of this!❤️


I beg you all to read this announcement!!!
          I am utterly heartbroken. Wattpad removing some of my stories has put me in hyper protective mode. I have spent so much time and effort here the last two years, received so much love and support both on my work and through my personal experiences. I have poured so much of my heart and soul into my work and have always tried to be a positive force and support my fellow authors and readers but this was/is a hard blow. Within a span of an hour two of my books have been removed, and another marked as mature. And I have no clue why the books were removed. 
          I took down several others and will spend the rest of the day taking down everything with the exception of the stories mentioned below, but I can't promise how long they will be up. 
          It Started With A Text 
          Yes, Officer 
          Protect Me 
          Fake Love 
          All other stories will have all chapters removed or will be taken down altogether. 
          My plan now is to spend the next few weeks adding everything to my Inkitt account. 
          Everything that was/is here will now be there and all future work will be posted there as well. 
          Wattpad always felt like my safe place to share my work and now that is gone. 
          I apologize deeply to my readers but I cannot risk another blow like this. I sincerely hope you will follow me on Inkitt if you're there and if not that you will make an account to continue to read my stories. 
          My username there is mjwwrites91
          Follow me I will follow you back. 
          And please for the love of all that is holy BACK UP YOUR WORK. I feel like that is the only light in this is that my work is backed up and not gone forever.
          Much love y'all. 


I am following you on Inkitt.


@MJWrites91 That’s so strange but a lot of authors are moving from wattpad for a number of reasons. I will follow you to wherever you go.


@K_Blackwood I don't know if it was someone reporting them or if there was something in the content that violated guidelines. You'd think they'd give you a warning or at least an explanation as to why. 


And to follow up on my last announcement Wattpad removed It Started With Her.... Why I have no idea because there wasn't anything even in it yet! It had two chapters ,was marked as mature, had only a couple curse words. I don't know but it's really frustrating!
          Please back up your work!!!
          I will be removing most of my work while I make some adjustments. Don't delete them from your libraries yet I will publish a placeholder chapter while I work to figure something out.


@EvangelineNott I'm so aggravated. I know you've been through it too. It freaking sucks!


@MJWrites91 Because they suck so much (T_T) I'm so sorry that happened to you, dude :(


Has this happened to anyone else? 
          I just received a message from Wattpad saying that they marked It Started With A Text as mature... I don't understand why since I have all of my books marked already.
          Anyone know???


@CosmicTYK that would make sense if a new group took over. I've just been on here for two years but things have really changed since then, the last year especially. And I've seen a lot of people say that they are leaving and /or have had their work removed lately. 


@MJWrites91 yeah I've been here around that amount of time too, and it has changed


@CosmicTYK that's the only good thing.  Everything I have is backed up except for my notes and ideas in drafts. 


HeadTripp is moving to Inkitt! This will be its new forever home. I will be leaving it on here for another couple days in case anyone who hasn't had a chance to read it wants to. ❤️ 
          Also if you would like to follow me on Inkitt my username is @mjwwrites91 
          And if you'd like me to follow you drop your usernames in the comments. 


@MJWrites91 found you there already, I'm CTYK