
Yeah i was still a little kid and i already knew who Whitney was cause my parents were huge fans and so was i


I know what you mean I didn't hear about Michael Jackson until late 2008. in fact the first song I heard by MJ was Man in the Mirror and from that moment on I was hooked and I also fell in love and I used to daydream a lot about Michael. one of my daydreams was wanting to meet and kiss him. the day that Michael passed I remember it well I was sitting in the living room with my little portable CD player and listening to his to his, music and I saw the breaking news report of his passing and I remembered feeling like someone had just took a knife and stabbed my straight in the heart when I heard the news, I cried for three days while watching his music videos. and Michael did a month before my 14th birthday.


@Mj chickk and I am now 20.


when I did some research on Google and YouTube I started to become a fan of him and one of his songs called you are not alone I felled deep in love with him and I'm 13 now so I was like 6 or 7 when the tragic news about Michael Jackson happen may the king rest in peace 


@cutegirl890 the first song I heard from the late king of pop was Man in the Mirror that's when I fell in love with him too, I was almost 13 or 14 when he passed, he died a month before my birthday. I am 20 now.


Hey! I was browsing the web about my story Couples Retreat and i found that you put it on here. I'm completely fine with that, I love when more people get to read it but I would really appreciate it if you would give me credit. It makes me very sad that you claim it's you own because I put so much work in it. I hope you understand since we are all a family here <3