Ahahaha....I guess that statement did warrant for such a comment..... ^^' Thing is, I wasn't able to think up of an appropriate, one-word, name for the way I found out about your night-time reply. (Since I am too lazy to actually do the math...) But rest assured, my resources can be seen as ants, compared to the things real news reporters have.
I am sorry to hear about the medication bit......I hope more details will be given on the phone? :) Just take it easy these days then, and oh yes summer vacation.......apparently my mom tends to forget about that bit. ^^"
I am very glad that you forgot then.....since I would be hell-bent on not putting it in, and as you are very....um tenacious yourself, it would have blown into an hour-long debate......
Oh, that has a pretty boring, and very normal reason behind it. (Much to my dismay...) See, this site only allows a username with six or more characters. So I needed another number, after mulling over for a moment, I decided for five, since I was born in 1995. :D