Bro i get blamed for everything in my house and it pisses me tf off.
Like wdym I did this when i wasn't even in the same room? How did I manage to do that when I wasn't even at the place where y'all did something?
Like the other day I emptied the strainer for our kitchen sink after I did the dishes only for my mom to call me out of my room an hour later asking if I left the sink strainer full of tomato chunks.
I was like no becuase I know I emptied the strainer before I went to my room and there wasn't any tomato then I saw a container of tomato sauce that was in the other said of the sink mostly empty and that wasn't there before.
Tell me why my sister started saying that I didn't empty the strainer and that the dish was there before like she didn't just dump it in the sink. My dad got involved and got the fact that my sister dumped the tomato sauce in the sink, didn't clean out the strainer, then said I left the strainer full of food when I just cleaned it out.
I was like "See" to my mom becuase I didn't do it it was my sister who said I did it. Then my sister said "Well the strainer was already dirty before I dumped the container so it was still full." Like miss girl, the only thing in the strainer was some coffee grounds one rise under water and those will be gone wdym there was stuff in there?
Anyways, my dad wasn't going to let my sister, who is in her 20's btw, get away with blaming me becuase I obviously didn't do it and she still said I did it and was trying to gaslight me into thinking I did.
This happens on a daily basis where I get blames for something I didn't/couldn't even do and when I say I didn't do it I get yelled at and no one believes me becuase they can't take reasonability for themselves and their actions and admit that they are clearly wrong.
It doesn't help that my sister is a manipulator and tries to blame everything on me and convinces most of my family that I did it when I never did.