
It's nearly 12:30 AM here and judging by how many previous school assignments I need to make up, I might be up all night.. I actually have a week to make up everything, but I want to get it all done by tomorrow morning because I'll be busy with some other things this entire week.. Should've completed all my work when I was supposed to but I was kinda burned out :<


I pulled an all-nighter and knocked out at 6 in the morning. Good thing is that I finally finished all my assignments :>


It's nearly 12:30 AM here and judging by how many previous school assignments I need to make up, I might be up all night.. I actually have a week to make up everything, but I want to get it all done by tomorrow morning because I'll be busy with some other things this entire week.. Should've completed all my work when I was supposed to but I was kinda burned out :<


I pulled an all-nighter and knocked out at 6 in the morning. Good thing is that I finally finished all my assignments :>


No one understands me anymore. I'm tired. I can't talk to someone about my problems without them interrupting and saying that it's not a big deal. They mock a pain they've never felt before. I'm probably just over-reacting. Everybody leaves me on read, but I can't blame them. I would leave me on read too. Sometimes I fail to reply too. 


Soobin's and Jin's birthday is coming soon. If you want, let me know if you know there are other people who's b-day is coming soon too. Also, Mnet Asian Music Award (MAMA) show is coming soon too. I hope you voted as much as you could for your favorite groups. Let's give our favorite girl groups and boy groups some awards, love, and support for their hard work. If you couldn't or can't vote as much as you like, then it's okay. I understand that you have your own life and couldn't get enough time.
          Stay safe and healthy♡


If you won a free car and they gave you a choice of these 2 colors, which would you pick? Green or Orange?
          I would pick Orange. Idk why :)


@TaeKookies_N_Cream_1 it'll be a hard decision for me coz I don't like both but i'll go with orange then i'll a make over for that 