
Chapter 4 of The Skype girl is up! Lemme know what you guys think! 
          	-Morgan <3


Hello author I know you are busy and everything it's just i wanted to know if u are going to continue writing Get Your Spy On the rebellion. Its such an amazing book and i noticed you haven't been updating it for 6 years. I hope everything is okay with you and whish you good life .


Please update dear brother or sister soon!!! I love your writing I can't get enough!


@crazy_tomboy101 Hi! Sorry I haven't written back sooner! I'm currently moving, so I unfortunately haven't been able to upload the next chapter, but I promise you I'll have it up soon! Thank you so much for reading it!


Hi fans!!!! I'm SOOO excited to announce I uploaded my brand new story called The Skype Girl!!!!! PLEASE give me feedback on it since I haven't been on here in a while and need your guys feedback!! I'm really excited to start a new story on here and I hope you guys like it!
          -MNarissa :D


Hello, everyone! MNarissa here, the author of Get Your Spy On, Dear Brother or Sister, Four Witch Sisters in Training, ect ect. I am excited to announce a new story will be up on my page tomorrow! It's COMPLETELY different from anything I've ever written and I can't wait for you guys to read it!