I honestly forgot most of my accounts existed, though in my defense the last few months have been.... rough. I've moved mostly only discord, but I have debated revamping and bringing things back some day
Reading Lists
I honestly forgot most of my accounts existed, though in my defense the last few months have been.... rough. I've moved mostly only discord, but I have debated revamping and bringing things back some day
I honestly forgot most of my accounts existed, though in my defense the last few months have been.... rough. I've moved mostly only discord, but I have debated revamping and bringing things back some day
A large storm had brewed for nearly two days now. People feared the worst as the clouds hung so heavy not even the sun could break through. With little to no rain to accompany the loud and horrible thunder that roared. It was war. Not one earth would ever know of. One no human could possibly imagine. It was an act out of spite. From demons who'd grown tired of being told where they belonged, where they could never go. People started to fear that this would never end. As if their land was forever cursed by this storm. Luckily it wasn't meant to last. When the next morning came the cloads started to break apart. Giving a beautiful golden shine from the sun that peeked its rays through. All was calm again and probably even more than it was before. All night have been fine, but there was a small complaint that came through. An old lady who was a known neighbor to a certain someone came asking for help that morning. Saying she heard a loud crash in her small barn's attic and had been too afraid to go up there. Mostly because she doubted she'd be able to get up the ladder and back down in case it was noting but old roof planks collapsing after years of neglect. (1/2)
'/I'll reply to this in the chapter for him when I get the muse for this "dead inside" hoe
( @H0RRIDTRUTH ) "Don't offer a favor to a demon unless your prepared to collect what they ask for. You should never offer a demon a favor no matter what they do." He had already done it here, and shed likely try to avoid collecting. How ever demons with less humanity or more ambition would jump on that opportunity. And that would go poorly for him in most cases. "And you better not die, There there is no way I'm cleaning up whatever's left of you. Not unless you wanna be buried in the backyard without any kind of service. Though I'm sure it wouldn't be that simple, now would it?" She queried and adjusted her hair under her little cap, tucking it away to avoid it getting in the way. "It's hard to imaging angels falling in love with anything. Everything uve ever heard describes you all as so... monotonous? Blank. There's a more fitting word but it evades me for now." She didn't know him well enough but she knew the stories. It would be a while before she was used to him. She made her way over, finally getting close to him. She took a breath before warding up some of the linen and holding it to his wound grabbing a longer strip to tie around to hold the other praise in place. She'd need something to keep things out of the wound while maintaining pressure before she could go do anything further. "We should keep you talking... what's your name?"
Honestly she'd already given up more than he ever even owned to begin with. It was so strange to see a demon do better deeds than some angels have. "You don't have to worry. I'd be cracking like porcelain if I was dying. Thank you though. I owe you a great deal, weather you'd accept it or not." But regardless he followed with what he was told. Honestly a pretty neutral being. Seems he only really reacts and never act. Something very few creatures do now a days. "I'm sure you're right. Even angels fall in love with them. Choosing to die here rather than come back to us. It happens more often than you'd think." He gave a light nod as he let her see the wound. The bleeding had mostly stopped at least. Not too bad, considering he'd probably been in this state since he fell.
"You drive me to drink." //Cb+Specify
@L0RD0FDARKNESS // I feel like she'd taste spicy-- "No. You earthly bastards have turned me into an alcoholic."
' excuse me , do you see where i dropped my sunglasses ? '
@BLINDMURDER "Oh my, yes of course. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." She mused and moved to gently press the sun glasses into his hands so he could have them back. "I ought to pay more attention..." She added, rubbing the fact of her neck.
@MONOCHROMEDEMONESS he blinked and tilted his head in the direction of her voice , a smile tugged at his lips . of course , the lady meant well , but he simply couldn't see where her hand was . ' thank you so very much , uh , do you mind putting them in my hand ? i'm so sorry but . . . i just can't see , you know ? '
@BLINDMURDER "Oh? Um, let me see if can find them for you." The demoness muttered quietly before looking up at the floor. She took a knee in the floor before she saw and gently grabbed them. "Here they are." She held them forward for him.
//do I have a turn on list for her? Yes. Would I share It? Likely not.
' you shouldn't be here , the rules say no visitors . '
@LEFTHOMES That was a question she was dreading. It wasn't exactly easy to tell people your a demon running from what has to be the worst husband in history who is pretty much trying to send people to kill you. It just wasn't good table conversation. "Well I'm running from my husband which is likely leading to the messiest divorce in history. The other two are in my custody." She explained, making it as simple as physically possible. "People are trying to kill me. I am understandably not into that."
The masked figure tilted his head , cautiously eyeing the group of intruders from the dimly lit hallway . he'd come across a stray visitor every now and then , but never more than one or so at a time — admittedly , he was a little curious . ' i want to know what you're running from . '
@LEFTHOMES "Oh? Well I don't mean to intrude, it's just my sisters and I needed a place to pay lay low for a little while. I'm promise we'll be out of your hair soon." Now Ezaeur wasn't one to burst into people's homes it into their personal space. She was just in a bad spot at the moment and her sisters and her needed to hide somewhere. This place seemed perfect.
//psa. She's got them thicc thighs.
Everyone enjoyed a big ball kow and again. No matter the occasion or what was being celebrated. A big party where anyone with a passable dress could join in on the music and food. Make connections and break a few off in between. The best part about them? They were held at night. Bridging a gap not many people even knows of. Letting others enjoy things only humans would otherwise. And it was obvious there was a bigger crowd once it got dark. Woth no work to worry about. With that said, this particular venue was pretty well known for the people that seem to come out of nowhere to join the fun. People you wouldn't normally overlook during the day, which makes them seem so odd that no one's really seen them much before. Some even very clearly rich and well off. Nobility even. With the most luxurious clothing that almost seemed foreign. Though, these only made up a minority of the event. It was probably for the best too. With it getting later a few people had obted to go home. Getting tired from dancing and settled in a bit more as a small few still kept up their energy. Mostly the younger ones. Enjoying all the freedom allowed to them. Making it pretty common for strangers to come up to ask for a dance. Losing partners the later the night went on.
@L0RD0FDARKNESS She sipped her drink, pushing her bangs out of her face as she gazed up at him. "I've been travelling for what feels like a millennia by now. Granted I don't even remember what year I arrived, I think it was before England united." She knew she had come before then, however she didn't know the exact date. "We never stay anywhere longer than a decade, then we disappear for a century before returning if we ever do to make sure everyone who might have known us is gone." She didn't travel for fun, she travelled to make herself hard to find. She didn't want to stick in once place to long and attract attention. "It's great until you find a place you want to settle in, or until you get to leave loved ones behind." She loved having things to do, and she loved exploring sometimes. However she always remembered those places that she found hard to leave. The people she had never wanted to leave behind. "Same here, my parents held things like this all the time. Me and my younger sister's were scarcely allowed to attend. Though the older three often got To." She mentioned, she remembered watching her sisters go out in their finery. By now she was sure her other younger sister, the one born after Vanadey but before Rhosyn was right at the age where she'd start attending.
He took a sip of his own drink as he gave a hum in thought. Honestly it was hard to tell. "You might not believe me. But definitely longer than most. Keeps things easier when no one knows who you are. That's half the fun of it." But there was still a few placed he'd like to go. Places he hasn't seen yet. But they can all wait for a few more years. "Would explain why you're a new face around here. I guess it is a better life to change everything once in a while. Things might get boring otherwise." Especially if time didn't really matter to you much. There was always a need to do something to fill the repetitive habits. "I can understand the appeal. I guess I'm just used to this sort of environment. I grew up around this. Sad to say I never had a small gathering with just relatives. Too late for that now, though." Not that he minded really. He couldn't stand his late parents and all their relatives. They only cared about status and power. It drove him to be a selfish and bitter person for the longest time. "Oh, most certainly. Every turn you took had a different performance. Though, I feel they're best left to watch rather than mixing it in with a ball and who knows what else."
@L0RD0FDARKNESS "She enjoys social settings, and its important that she gets breaks like these. I'll help to take Her mind off things." Ezaeur had a distant demeanor to most people however it was very clear she had a love for her family, mostly because nothing she had was as permanent. She didn't have much else she could attach herself to emotionally anymore. "Hmm. How long have you been travelling. I'm a bit of a nomad myself you know." She replied, leaning against a nearby wall, in all her years she had never settled in one place longer then ten years, typically leaping her time there short and bouncing around to avoid suspicion to avoid people noticing they didn't age. "I'm a private person, I prefer small gathering with loved ones in lieu of balls and stuff. Sure I live to put on a nice dress and all but I feel like I stick out." She replied and held her drink in her gloves hands, looking into her glass for a moment. "That's a lot all at once. But I'm sure it was a cool spectacle." She replied, she had always wanted to see a circus. She rarely had the time or money for that though.
Sett's mother was a kind woman. A vastaya (human in appearance with animal ears, tail, fangs, eyes and sometimes legs replaced with hind legs or nails formed to claws. But all have a strong connection with magic. Seraphina had the ears, tail, fangs and claws.) that had been exiled from her clan. Because she'd fallen in love with a human man and as a result, they brought a half breed into this world. A child that caused a lot of backlash and one that would be bullied none stop simply for existing. Until he grew strong enough to do something about it. Sett's father was a pit fighter, never around for his family. He even disappeared without a word once he made enough money. That's how Sett found the pit fights. He wanted to find and kill that man for breaking his mother's heart. Instead, he didn't find anyone, just grew to love the atmosphere of that place. Working hard to get so much money that he simply bought that whole place. His mother never knew. He could never tell her. So, she though the boy was working hard. Making a lot of money and only coming home when it gotten very late out, if he came home at all. It worried her. Thinking he worked this hard for her sake as if to make up for all the trouble he caused her in his life. Taking the blame for it all, even if it was far out of his control to begin with. So, she thought to set up a little something. Just a small way for her to get Sett to stop being so wrapped up in work. He was getting close to his 30's by then. (not that it mattered much. He had vastayan magic ehice would most likely let him live for a very long time) Granted, Sett didn't know many of the people that worked with the fighters. He was always more to himself, only having the two generals by him. So, when his mother tried convincing him to meet someone, he figured he would humor the thought. If it was to make her feel a little more at ease. Plus, from his mother's descriptions, it didn't seem like such a bad time. (1/2)
@BEASTLYB0SS Ezaeur had spent her time among the fighters however she had never met him directly, she had never needed to. He had never asked for her so she hadn't really ever fully met the guy, though she was fully aware of who he was. She's try and avoid this being too awkward, for his mother's sake. She seemed Vhappy they knew each other even if it made her just a little worried. Once they were left alone she hung up her cost and wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her upper arm gently as she looked up at him. "You're right. That is what I expected, however I remain optimistic. People can act different depending on where they are and who their with." She replied and fixed her hair, examining the area around her. "So, what's tonight's itinerary?" She queried, curious as to what tonight plan was. She had just been told to dress nice and be present, as for any activities she had no clue. She had been here once or twice but never to hang out, normally it was simply to drop things off to his mother, she typically hung out outside of both their homes. Simply going out to cafe's and such to meet up instead. So this was the first time she had actually intended to spend some time here.
It was easy enough to get settled in. He mostly treated this like he would a normal night with someone. Regardless of their work relations. He definitely got the hint as to what her work was. Made sense why he didn't have a whole lot of encounters with her. He only dealt with the fighters and crowd. Seraphina was also glad that they seemed to have known each other to some extent. Make it easier in her mind. Even if it was a little awkward in their situation. Didn't take long for them to be left alone. Not that it changed all that much. Probably took some pressure away for their little secret potentially coming out. "Well, bet ye weren't expecting this. Probably expected me to be more feral given what I act like on the job." At least he was good with social situations. Most fighters are rather known for their bad tempers and antisocial mannerisms. This could also be good to know how things are running for other people. As strange of a business it is, it was still business none the less. One bad thing could sink the whole place. But it won't be all business. Very little if it can be helped. Wouldn't be the best way to spend a dinner. It was a pretty bad habit that he would try and not bring out all that much. But, even that can wait until everything is fine. Giving some time to adjust, being that she'd never been there before. Well, as far as he knew.
@BEASTLYB0SS Ezaeur had been told that the man she'd be meeting had a different temperament to her own, not that she missed since she found she got along best with more direct people since she herself was more on the reserved side. And like him she had initially expected a stranger not someone who she had seen before. She expected the normal awkward first meeting, not meeting up with the guy who ran her place of work sheerky because she was friends with his mom. Small world huh? So when it was Sett who opened the door her eyes widened, she was quick to match a name to the face. When he asked if they've met she loomednul at him before sighing. "Technically we work together.... I'm one of the 'waitresses.'" She hoped he'd pick up on her hint, she clearly didn't want his mother to know what either of them did. It was in their best interest to act normal as possible, as if both of their jobs were not quite as scandalous as they actually were. She was pretty similar to how she was at work, she was a rather reserved and classy woman regardless of her occupation. She carried herself with confidence and even from her clients she demanded respect, one or two of them had the unfortunate opportunity to see what happened when they riled her up. But judging by his current behavior she didn't think this would be to bad, he likely didn't want to upset his mother so she hoped he'd remain on good behavior. It was weird though, she had seen what he could do and what he was capable of. However he was rather docile at the moment. "Yeah, let's get to that then." She agreed and moved to remove her jacket, folding it up and holding it to her chest before removing her shoes as to not track any dirt in.
//I'm mega inactive, but this is mad dead anyway. Feel free to drop some stuff, I'm free all day so I'll be sure to reply.
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