Going through my youngster posts. Shaking my head so much, cringing, repeatedly slapping myself. 


this message may be offensive
Just wait until your eighteen, and your college head decides to go through your social media. You're fucked. . No Amherst for you. Or when you get a job, and one of the people you follow matches your posts to what you're saying. Bye bye job. Or when/if you get married and your husband calls off the wedding after finding out you loved his booty more than him. Single Pringle again. 
          	          -Future Self


Going through my youngster posts. Shaking my head so much, cringing, repeatedly slapping myself. 


this message may be offensive
Just wait until your eighteen, and your college head decides to go through your social media. You're fucked. . No Amherst for you. Or when you get a job, and one of the people you follow matches your posts to what you're saying. Bye bye job. Or when/if you get married and your husband calls off the wedding after finding out you loved his booty more than him. Single Pringle again. 
                    -Future Self


   Hallo! This message is about something I care about deeply. Something I think makes life magical. Something that is used for entertainment. Something called "ONCE UPON A TIME". 
             For those of you who don't know about the show, it's on Netflix. And it's basically about fairy tales in modern times. Now, I wasn't always into FAIRY TALES, but thanks to my friends, I began to get into it. 
             This message isn't about how much I like OUAT. Its about a NEW season of OUAT COMING ONTO NETFLIX ON AUGUST 28, 2015. SEASON 4! But yeah, that's it! Message me if you want! I'll try to reply as soon as possible. :)


To be honest, it didn't make your life magical. That guy you like and stalk made your life magical. 
                    -Present Self