It’s been so long! Missed Call is a good note to come back on… I hope! Thanks for never missing a beat with me. Enjoy


Hi guys!!
          I'd like to appreciate if you give a try to my new book. It's my first time writing one so there are many ways i can improve. Your suggestions are valuable. 
          Book: Love the way you lie.



Hey, I read your story Missed call. It is like an emotional rollercoaster. I like the story a lot. You are a talented writer. Thanks for sharing such an amazing talent . Will there be an epilogue? please.


This means so much to me and I say this with so much love. For you to even take the time out of your day to comment really changed my whole days mood. I appreciate you and so happy that you liked the story!! Definitely considering and epilogue!


Hey.. i just cant help but say something about "waited for you" that was out of the box. A very rare story. I dont want it to end . i love the characters especially the lines and words .you're a great talent. The storyline was so true ..i just cant explain it but there is really something about your story...keep on making good stories that inspires and entertains. Lots of love from me. Thank you for sharing your talent. I'm an avid reader so basically I've read a lot of stories but yours is the best...Im rooting for book 2 here.....


Wow. I don’t know what to say. I appreciate you commenting more than you know. Thanks so much and I hope I don’t disappoint with the second one!!!


Hey guys! The best way to contact me for anything you want an answer right away for is Wattpad DM’s I see and try to answer all comments on the story, but if it’s too personal I won’t and sometimes it takes a little bit for me to see it on the feed.


Hey guys, sending a message at 2am because what is sleep? Anyway I just wanted to put out there that any message you get from me is personally sent. No “spam” messages! I really am interested in feedback, I usually choose at random from the people I see engaging with the book and me