/ pjorpc cb & spec please the kids miss you
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/ pjorpc cb & spec please the kids miss you
/ pjorpc cb & spec please the kids miss you
you should get your ability checked for rabies .
* chuuya’s still a smoker, and nothing has changed. that much is true. still breaking rules, but he can control himself a bit better now. well— until dazai showed up at the detective agencies front door, only for it to be mercilessly slammed on him as it had been answered by the very redhead. now, they stand in the hallway - dazai conveniently providing a lighter to his cigarette. * so rude, and here i am providing promotion for your dull habits.
@A5158S * if he blinked, then maybe he would’ve missed the flicker of fondness in mahogany hues at the response. it serves as an original thought; chuuya will never change, at least in dazai’s eyes. * .. / clearly / not.
@2XBLACK ▎* the lighter’s going to have a permanent place in his waist coat pocket, now. he’s not giving back. maybe out of spite, maybe out of wanting a souvenir of the other male. he doesn’t want to find out which it is. and though he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s beginning to realise how much he’s missed dazai’s laugh. * what’s it matter to you? * he grumbles, though it’s obvious he’s only said such because dazai’s suspicions are correct, as usual. * clearly, i ain’t doing very well at it.
@A5158S * well.. dazai assumes chuuya’s keeping his lighter, but it isn’t like he minds at all. especially in these circumstances, of course the detective agency member is stressed out. frustrated. there’s merely a chuckle, as if he’s subtly purposefully trying to change the subject. * did they tell you to ?
well ..look who it is. * there’s a voice that comes from the top of the stairs, it’s monotone and bored in tone, gradually getting closer as steps are taken further. stopping when mahogany catch sight of a familiar azure hue. * you told me you were sick of my sight. mn.. did you miss me, chuuya ?
@2XBLACK ▎* interacting with dazai is simply infuriating. more so than he remembers it being. but.. and he’d deny it to no end if every confronted of such, he’d missed it. he hates that he had, but he’d missed that stupid executive’s stupid face and stupid voice. and just.. him. that fact might be the most infuriating thing about this encounter, earnestly, as he’s been forced to face it head on. it’s /terrible./ * shut the hell up. why’re you even here, anyway? i don’t see how this has anythin’ to do with you.
/ idc if ur changing ur theme or whatever
/ revamping into an ada!chuuya for finnie <33
chuuya. where were you? “stalling” dazai?
i’m not lecturing you. … /however/, you’re essentially prioritizing him over work.
@SCELERATUSVIR ▎yeah, actually. i was. and im fuckin’ irritated ‘cause of it, so i don’t need your damn lectures, kid.
you got everything / but / my canned crab ..
@2XBLACK ▎listen here, you asshole, im gonna teach ya how to cook so you don’t end up six feet under ‘cause you’re deficient in everything. understood?
@A5158S / idk why i find it funny he canonly cant cook for shit chuuya, you and i / both / know why i don’t eat other foods ! especially vegetables ..bleugh.
/ oh hey look it’s my bf with the beauty themes again !!!!!!!!!!!
/ im tryna decide what to drop bc i haven’t portrayed this shinju enthusiast in ages..
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