
So a small vent, but today I was working and it’s my first one too where I’m cleaning my school. Apparently I’m not working as hard as I should and I’m not doing work. The person who needs that talk would be one of my co workers since he’s on his phone the whole day. The comment and talk with my boss really hurt me. :/ 


So a small vent, but today I was working and it’s my first one too where I’m cleaning my school. Apparently I’m not working as hard as I should and I’m not doing work. The person who needs that talk would be one of my co workers since he’s on his phone the whole day. The comment and talk with my boss really hurt me. :/ 


So Imma be writing a book soon, but before I even get started on it I have to get through my high school exams for algebra and English. So when I get done with that I’ll actually start on it- wanted to let y’all know I’m bot dead too ✌️


@ MOntySl3ftT1t  yez fatha ‍♂️✌


Ok, so mabye I took a long time to write the story I have a good explination, I swear! I have so much scool work to do, and it's been making me so stressed, and the extra homework doesn't help either, do to my brain not being able to pay attention in class. My neighbors christmas's tree lights also shine into my room, so then now I can't sleep. Even Before I only got about an estimated average two hours to about half an hour of sleep before, now it's no sleep, so I'm so sorry for being slow on my stories, I'm also doing  two other stories that haven't been wrote down yet, so yeah...


@bakudekutodoshipper  You spelled School wrong lol... but tiz cool


Yooooooo I found chu~ lol UwU


bestie... why are you my only friend who replies to my messeges?


@Hansune_Miku666  thanks for pointing out the obvious...