
Thank you all so so much for the love and support of “Nothing personal.” Because of your support, it’ll become a full on novel. As a gift to you, I’ve worked hard to make an audio book version for chapter one. If that does well, I’ll continue to work on additional chapters. 


Thank you all so so much for the love and support of “Nothing personal.” Because of your support, it’ll become a full on novel. As a gift to you, I’ve worked hard to make an audio book version for chapter one. If that does well, I’ll continue to work on additional chapters. 


Dear Wonderful Readers,
          I hope this message finds you well and immersed in the world of "The Season of Blossom." Your support and engagement have been truly heartwarming, and I wanted to take a moment to connect with you all.
          We've just introduced a new poll that delves into the themes of the book. Your input is incredibly valuable as it helps shape the direction of the story. Whether you're drawn to the mysteries that unfold, the complexities of relationships, the journey of personal growth, the atmospheric setting, or the exploration of timeless themes, your voice matters.
          Your insights provide me with a compass to navigate the paths that our characters will tread, the emotions they will experience, and the challenges they will overcome. It's like a collaborative adventure where your preferences guide the narrative.
          So, please take a moment to cast your vote in the poll using the following link: Poll Link. Let your preferences be heard, and let's continue this beautiful journey together.
          Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this literary voyage. Your presence and enthusiasm inspire me every day.
          With heartfelt gratitude,
          M. P. Skowron II & A. Dalton


 Exciting news for all readers!  Chapter Two: Harmony and Melodys is now available! Dive deeper into the enchanting world of the story as new adventures unfold. Don’t miss out on the magic – start reading today! 


I love the season of blossom, it's a cute wholesome book with interesting characters, especially takashi's brother, he's so pure ajsjsjsj but i miss your other books, i understand why they were drafted/removed though, i wish you luck in all your creations !


Exciting news, dear readers! I'm thrilled to announce that a new chapter of "The Season of Blossom" will be released at 10:00 am EDT. Get ready to immerse yourselves in the enchanting world of the book. Happy reading! 


Dear Readers,
          I wanted to take a moment to explain my recent absence from posting. As some of you may know, I have been sharing a book that I've been working on with all of you. However, I am excited to announce that this book has been officially picked up for publication!
          While I am overjoyed at this news, it does mean that I am unable to continue posting the book's content online. In order to honor my publishing agreement, I must refrain from sharing the book in its entirety until it is released by the publisher.
          I apologize for any confusion or disappointment this may cause, but I hope you can understand the importance of this opportunity. I am grateful for your support and encouragement throughout the creative process, and I can't wait to share the finished product with all of you when it is available.
          Thank you for your understanding and stay tuned for more updates on the publication process!
          Best regards,
          M. P. Skowron II