I cut myself today. Not like one of those ‘oops the knife slipped’ type of cuts either. Like I actually took something and cut myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suicidal. I don't want to die or anything. With that being said you're probably asking why did I do it then. It's not like cutting myself will take the pain away. You're right. It doesn't but it does make a new type of pain. A pain that I can control. Do I like being in pain? Yes and no. I actually sat and admired the cuts after. That also made me add a few extra cuts. But it also hurt me. You're probably thinking ‘Duh of course if hurts. You just sliced your arm.’ True but I mean a different type of hurt. I promised myself I wouldn't get to this point and now I'm here. That hurts me. What hurts even more is that I don't actually mind where I am. Anyway I just had to get that off my chest. I think everyone deserves to have a good rant every now and then.

@MSB660 If it brings any comfort to you, I've been there as well... if you need somebody to talk to, my dms are always open!

@MSB660 I understand this and I'm here if you ever need or want to talk about anything.

hey i just text you some words in your dms, but take your time if you wanna read it. and you dont have to reply if you dont feel like it. take care xx