
Hi there Missy, tqsm fr reading & voting Love Undefined. Hope u’re enjoying the story so far :)


@cereleanblu Okay! No worries. I'll read as the chapters are posted. 
            Oh I truly truly am enjoying SOV. I am still worried about the tragic ending especially after Jane and Tul's talk. But, I'm enjoying it anyway.
            Happy writing! 


Hi Missy - just to let u know Im taking a short break frm SOV to continue Love Undefined fr a bit 


I see you are Ben's friend *wai-ing with my two hands*  
          Ben's new account is @-JustBen- the old one isn't run by him anymore.
          I am here to say Tysvm for reading my books i created for Ben,and kindly following me, highly appreciated.
          I hope to see you again in my next updates/ new books *bowing deeply to you*
          Thank you so very much,@MissyJaiCutler


@danthomas880 Thank you for reaching out to me. I appreciate Ben so much. I worry about him with that old account. How can it just be taken over? And multiple times, at that. Smh. I hope all is well with him. Thank you for writing for him. I look forward to your future works. *returns your sweet wai*


i am here.. :D (back-sounds for dramatic effect Please =D) 
          everything is fine, Jai. 
          I was just dead busy,and needed to focus,that's all. And i wouldn't know ur post here if i don't go to ur profile =D
          (Honestly Jai, i was abt to inbox u, hahah and see this post here)
          Forgive me, i've made u worried.
          Stay awesome,Missy..


Hello Missy J..do u celebrate Easter?
          I remember walking up the sidewalk to church on Easter morning with my family. Where the children had on their most beautiful Spring clothes. 
          Then people will gather at my parents' house searching for eggs and candy, then tearing into an Easter basket brimming with treats. =D
          Idk why i remember my old Easter day that happened many years ago. Maybe because i can't be with my parents today. I feel sad somehow, this lockeddown situation is a bit harsh for my liking (sorry for the rants,J) =D
          But anyway,
          Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wish I were in the chocolate biz! 
          Happy Easter, J.
          Please stay healthy and happy


Amen to ur last line,Jai. 
            Reading ur reply brings smile to my handsome face =D *clearing my throat, who said that handsome part?? :D, ah it's just slip of tongue,Missy, pardon me..*
            Hope to see u again (soon) in books. 
            Take care.


@Bennett_B I don't celebrate Easter now. I haven't since I was in high school, really. 
            But, I do remember those sweet old Easter Sundays with the egg hunts and all of us in our Easter finest. I always had a fluffy skirt on my dress (that usually my Granny had made for me) and she would always pin a jingle bell into the ruffles. I don't exactly remember why but I loved that so much.
            After church, we'd go my my great-grandmother's house for one of the many egg hunts and a delicious feast with the whole family. Writing about it now I can still smell it... Ah, such precious memories.
            I'm not sad to miss Easter. I guess if I really wanted to I could find one if the few churches around BKK and attend a service. But, I don't even claim Christianity enough to bother. Nor do I care to spend the research time and money on a taxi for it. 
            This lockdown is indeed very difficult. It's very hard to not be able to see any of my friends outside my household. I miss them terribly. But, luckily, since I moved away I'm already used to not seeing my family. I know they miss me, though. 
            I'm healthy and well, mostly just bored.
            I hope you stay safe and healthy, too. Happiness will come back in full at some point once we're allowed out again. I'm sure of it.