out. 6:18am


( reply-an ko starters nyo mamaya ) 


初心者 ⁺◟starter.
          ╰ warning : lower case intended !
          rebel mitsukai was already drowned beneath her ocean deep thinking and take her eyes off to the dark and shining night sky. 
          you took a few steps to come to her and some chills started growing in her body, since it's already ebony outside and she's the only one staying in the middle of the midnight.
          " who's there? " she asked out of nowhere. you appeared and sat next to her.
          " are you alright? did i scared you? sorry for that. " you apologized.
          " stating the obvious huh? " she rolled her eyes on you and you started laughing because of it.
          she look at the sky again and her dark orbs shined because of the reflection of the silver moon.
          " it's so exquisite, right? " she gave a small smile.


             "There was once a girl who was never loved by her family. They never accepted or treated her as a real daughter, the girl got so curious why she was not treated the same way her siblings are. So she decided to dig up informations until unexpectedly she found out her family's most hidden secret. As cliché it may sound her parents found out that she knew about the secret, too scared that their children might also find out. The parents threw the girl into the secret-" 
               Shine stopped reading the story she made, when someone approaches her "Hey miss can I sit beside you?" She lifted her gaze to find a lass/lad in front of her. Shine looked around the place only to find out that the park is filled with people and the bench she's sitting was the only one left that was not full.
              "Sure" Shine replied, smiling and moved a little for you to have a space to sit. "Do you know the story of The Family with a Hidden Secret?" Shine suddenly asked out of nowhere, she facing at the noisy park but clearly she was talking to you.


          halsie as usual, is holding a small basket of strawberries. she always had it in her side whenever. 
          she took out one, and it went straight into her mouth.
          she continued walking, she took out one again and as soon as the strawberry went out the basket someone bumped into her, 
          her eyes followed the strawberry and worse, it got stepped. 
          "oh my poor strawberry!" she gasped. she looked at the poor strawberry and her gaze landed on you, "you stepped on my strawberry, miss/mister." she said with a sad tone.


Dust filled the lad's lungs as he hit the floor of the dusty grained textured ground and involuntarily inhaled. Coughing and spluttering; he scrambled sideways, dodging the next attack and rolling backwards into his feet. He cursed sharply as the wolf rose to its full height and snarled viciously in his direction. A drop of blood dripped down the side of the wolf's silver fur and into its eye. It snarled and shook its head, enthusiasm set in Karma's heart as he saw his opportunity.
          ‪He reflexively bit his lower lip after feeling enthusiastic, launching himself towards the bleeding wolf. The wolf thought that Karma had finally loose his mind to launch himself towards him, opening its mouth full of blood. "Very good!" The bloke's eyes glinted vigorously, leaping as he courageously sequestered the wolf's upper mouth and slammed it at the wall. A scowl materialized on his face, skulking his hand towards his pocket. "Bahh! How boring." He murmured, displeased as he turned his back, hands skulked inside his pockets.‬
          ‪"Watch out!" A screamed pierced through his ears; before he could even move. Karma was left in dazed as the wolf met the ground, a weapon strucked onto its silver fur and deep rose coloured liquid cascaded towards the ground. He drew his gaze towards the silhouette near the wolf's body, an murian whom he wouldn't even expect be here, looking unfazed as they held the weapon they specialized elegantly as if they had been practicing it for aeons. "Can you not?!" He grunted, shutting his lips tightly as he flared into anger inside.‬


Enzo noticed how the girl dropped a book from her bag. "Hey miss-" he stopped when the girl went into the bus leaving him alone. Enzo almost decided not to return it when he realized that the book seems important to you so he took his car keys to follow you.