Good afternoon! ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^


hello everyone! 


@CHRYS3IS good, sorry late reply 


"My Guardian Angel" 
          By: Achysion 
          When I was a child 
          I have a friend 
          She's an angel from heaven 
          She's a cartoon character 
          Her name was Ruby, from Ruby and Max
          She broke out of character
          Ruby watches me in the darkest room
          I just remembered that now 
          She protects me from monsters behind me
          I forgot the memories but the feelings of
          terrified and in pain 
          Now it's up to me, to find Ruby, 
          My Guardian Angel.


if the world ends 
          I want every moment to be 
          with you, as it runs out 
          I want to be with you 
          my eyes painted you on an empty,
          empty canvas 
          your the color of my oxygen,
          you are, you are, you are
          my okshina—everything ends around us
          if I could lend my eyes to you, 
          you'll know why you're my oxygen.